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Re: Data connection already open; Transfer starting.

Sender: Scott Klement <klemscot@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Hi Sean,

It appears that the FTPAPI is expecting a 150 response, but is getting
a 125 response from the FTP server.   Since it doesn't understand the
125, it simply returns an error.

The difference between a 125 and a 150 is that with 125 the connection is
already open when the message is sent, presumably it was opened in
response to the PASV command.  I can't see why this would affect the
client-side...  :)

I started adding support for the 125 responses back in July, but I could
not find a server that I could test them with, so I havent released the

I'll put that code on my webserver as version 1.4.  Try it and let me
know if it works for you!

On Wed, 17 Oct 2001, Sean Porterfield wrote:
> I'm having some problems, and I'm not sure where to start.  I've tried all
> kinds of things....
> We are sending files daily that used to work fine.  The FTP server we send
> to started having problems about a month ago.  They eventually blamed it on
> nimda since it was a convenient excuse.  They provided an alternate server
> which worked fine (from one of my AS/400s but not the other.)
> Anyway, they say that I'm the only customer who can't connect to the
> repaired original server.  I've been trying to simplify the program (which
> was originally designed to copy from a spool file to a PF to a SRC file to
> the IFS then FTP from there.)  I took out the copy from PF to SRC.  Then I
> took out the PF to IFS and used FTPAPI to send directly from the PF.
> Still working fine on the alternate server.  If I connect to the original
> server, it logs on, sends a PORT and STOR then hangs.  They tell me it has
> to be in PASV mode to work.  So I see there is ftp_passiv so I turned that
> on and got the error in the subject line: Data connection already open;
> Transfer starting.
> I also tried enabling logging, but that doesn't seem to tell me anything
> more than I had since I was already checking for errors returned.  The error
> "Data connection already open; Transfer starting." was returned from the
> proc as -1, so I'm a bit  confused by the "Transfer starting" part since the
> file doesn't transfer.
> What am I missing?
>      220 www6 Microsoft FTP Service (Version 4.0).
>      > USER xxxxx
>      331 Password required for xxxxx.
>      > PASS **********
>      230-Welcome to xxxxxxxxxx.COM FTP Site.
>      230 User xxxxx logged in.
>      > TYPE A
>      200 Type set to A.
>      > PASV
>      227 Entering Passive Mode (216,199,2,7,14,85)
>      > STOR CMSINV2710721.txt
>      125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
>      > QUIT
>      226 Transfer complete.
> If I log back on with the AS/400 FTP client and do "ls -l" (it automatically
> sets PASV)
>   -rwxrwxrwx   1 owner    group               0 Oct 17 10:40
> CMSINV2710721.txt
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