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Sender: Scott Klement <klemscot@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Modifying http_url_get() or http_url_post() in order to write to your
main program is a really bad idea.   HTTPAPI is designed to be easy to
upgrade -- you can just delete the old library and install the new one
and then everything should work.

When you modify http_url_** in this manner, you lose this capability.  It
also means that I cannot provide fixes to the problems you encounter,
even if they are problems with my code, since the fixes are supplied
in the form of an upgrade.

The point behind the various "raw" routines in HTTPAPI and FTPAPI is to
allow you to integrate your own programs WITHOUT having to modify the
main source or break upgradability.  The EXAMPLE5 member in HTTPAPI
provides a sample program where http_url_post_raw() is used to post data
to a web server, and retrieve the response into a variable called

On occasions where you do need to modify HTTPAPIR4 itself, it should be
with a change that can be contributed back to the project for everyone
to use, and be a new feature of the project.   That way, it'll also be
included when you need to upgrade.

On Wed, 27 Aug 2003, Ian Patterson wrote:
> We modified the http_url_** routines to bypass the IFS, as we wanted the
> data straight into our main program for processing.
> However.... we are not competant yet with RPG4 and could have made the usual
> daft mistakes in our coding, hence my reticence in suggesting a reason for
> the apparent probems. But that does not explain why we get different results
> from different servers. Hence a look at the headers tomorrow.
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