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Re: Increase size of IFS file received in http_url_post

Sender: Scott Klement <sk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

We have included in our application a call to http_api_post in order to send
and receive XML documents.

So you're using the regular http_api_post, correct? None of the variations (http_url_post_raw, url_post_raw2, url_post_xml, etc)

What version of HTTPAPI are you using?

The problem is that the received IFS file is truncated in either case, the file created by your API or the file created before calling the API.

What filesystem are you receiving it to? /QNTC? /QSYS.LIB? /QDLS? /QOpenSys? root?

Are you getting any sort of error from HTTPAPI? Have you generated/looked at the debug file for more info?

We have checked your source and we cannot find the spot where we could increase or specify the file size or the method of doing it.

How large is the file? Unless the file is larger than 2gb, or you're using a filesystem that limits the file to a smaller size, there shouldn't be any need to change the source code.

However, if you're saving the file to an actual PF in /QSYS.LIB, then when you create that file, you have to specify the file size...

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