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Re: Fw: Certificate is not signed by a trusted certificate authority(fwd)

Sender: "Jay Peasley" <jpeasley@xxxxxxxxxxx>


From a previous post I found that you had an archives and I did some looking
into that. John King, I beleive, hit the nail on the head. The DCM in V5R1
did not contain any Verisign Class 2 or Class 3 certificates. I used the
caroot.txt and intermediate.txt that he provided and imported them into my
system store, and added them to the trust list for the application.
Restarted the webserver and I am getting past the hand shake problem.

Now my problems are other, but I am working through them, though I may be
balder when I am through. ;-)

BTY ver 1.11pre2's debugging is great!

Have fun at Common!

Thanks again,


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