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Re: comm_connect call comming to grief - ever seen this condition?

Sender: Scott Klement <sk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Hi Peter,

Running a version of EXAMPLE4 of Scott's HTTPAPI (just downloaded), the
comm_connect call at line 3266 in proc http_persist_open in Srvgm
HTTPAPIR4 comes back with *ON, so a *NULL pointer is returned.

Actually, when comm_Connect() returns *ON, it means that the connection was made successfully. It shouldn't be returning *NULL in that case, it should be returning a pointer to a communications session.

Here's the code from HTTP_persist_open():

     c                   if        comm_Connect( wwComm
     c                                         : p_addr
     c                                         : wwTimeout
     c                                         ) = *OFF
     c                   return    *NULL
     c                   endif

c return wwComm

See what I'm saying? When comm_Connect() returns *OFF, you get *NULL. Otherwise, you can wwComm (which is a pointer to a communications driver).

Anyone know what this means: something not configured, or not started in
the QHTTPSVR sbs - or what? Any help much appreciated,

There's no relationship whatsoever between HTTPAPI and the QHTTPSVR subsystem.

HTTPAPI provides a subprocedure called HTTP_error() that you can call to find out what the last error that occurred was. In EXAMPLE4, the code looks like this:

c                   eval      rc=http_url_post(
c                                 'https://wwwcie.ups.com/ups.app'+
c                                 '/xml/Track':
c                                  %addr(data): %len(%trimr(data)):
c                                  '/httptest.html')
c                   if        rc <> 1
c                   eval      msg = http_error
c                   dsply                   msg
c                   return
c                   endif

The idea is, if it's successful, HTTP_url_post() will return the number 1. In any other case an error has occurred, so you call http_error() to get the error message.

The first place to look is to check what that error message says.

If that doesn't provide enough information, HTTPAPI has a logging feature to assist with troubleshooting problems. How that feature is enabled depends on the version of HTTPAPI that you're running. I'm assuming that you're running version 1.10, since you're new to the mailing list and don't know about the beta versions yet :)

In version 1.10, you enable the debugging log file by editing the CONFIG_H source member. At the bottom, you need /define DEBUG to be set, and the debug file to be set to a good location (by default, I think it's /tmp/httpapi_debug.txt).

You'll need to re-compile HTTPAPI to enable those changes once you've changed the CONFIG_H member (you can do that by re-running the INSTALL program)

In version 1.11 (currently only beta versions exist of this) you can enable debugging at run-time without recompiling it.

Once the debug file has been enabled, you can re-run your program, and it'll put lots of debugging info in that log file. If that info doesn't help you figure out the problem, please post your debug file to the mailing list.


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