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Re: Implementing SFTP with FTPAPI

Hi Scott,
What kind of security risks am I exposed to using ftpapi?  I recently started using ftpapi and now am fielding questions from the nay sayers on security and that Im opening the iseries to great risks.  Thanks for your insight.

On 7/14/05, Scott Klement <sk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Sender: Scott Klement <sk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

> Will FTPAPI be able to utilize SFTP protocol at some point?  I have not
> looked at code for FTP or sftp, but I am wondering if the code is
> similar, with the exception of encrypting and decrypting the data.

"ftps" is FTP over SSL.  It's more or less identical to the standard FTP
protocol, except that the sockets are encrypted with the SSL protocol.

"sftp" is a front-end to SSH that looks like an FTP client.  It's not FTP
at all.

If you mean the former, it's already available with IBM's FTP client, and
will probably be available in FTPAPI someday.

If you mean the latter, FTPAPI will never do it.  However, you can run it
on the iSeries by installing OpenSSH in PASE. This requires V5R3, but IBM
has even gone so far as to offer it as a licpgm, so you can install it

> it is *just* that, I wonder how much work would be involved in porting
> the encryption related code from sftp into FTPAPI.

If you want "ftps", then it wouldn't be too hard. You'd just have to
separate the network routines in FTPAPI into their own service program,
and offer a separate one for TCP vs. SSL.  HTTPAPI already does this, so
you could use it as a refernece work.

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