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Re: timeout

Hi Greg,

HTTP_TIMEOUT is the name of a named constant that contains the *default* 
timeout value.

However, you can change the timeout value on a per-request basis by 
passing a number of seconds in the peTimeout parameter to any of the 
HTTP_url_xxxx() APIs in HTTPAPI.

With that in mind, it should be a trivial matter to create a record in a 
file containing a number of seconds, read that file, and pass the value 
to http_url_xxxx() to control the time out.

Greg Maccia wrote:
>    Now that I have integrated these web services into my applications
>    (thanks Scott) it has opened up a whole new world.   But some of these
>    services (especially the free ones) are not so responsive or
>    consistent during the day.
>    I might have to build a control file for each web service and possibly
>    based on the time of the day, vary the timeout value (http_timeout) as
>    during peak times my users have less patience.  Just wondering if
>    anyone else has the same problem and what solution they implemented.
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