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Redirect on rc 302


   Is it OK to use the redir in the following way?

   I'm asking because Scott always refers to doing a get after an rc 302
   is received. I would like to parse the incoming response rather than
   write it to the IFS.

   rc = http_url_post_xml(%trim(fcdire)

                         : %addr(SOAP) + 2

                         : %len(SOAP)

                         : *NULL

                         : %paddr(ParseXml)

                         : *NULL );


        // request to redirect to a differenet link

        when (rc = 302 or rc = 303);

          url= http_redir_loc();

          rc = http_url_post_xml(%trim(url)

                               : %addr(SOAP) + 2

                               : %len(SOAP)

                               : *NULL

                               : %paddr(ParseXml)

                               : *NULL );

   Thanks for your help,

   Debbie Abelow
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