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Re: Posting data in CCSID 1026 not well received by server in UFT-8


I am happy it works, now.

The "contentType" does not change the character encoding on the sending system (the IBM I and WSDL2RPG). But it may be used by the receiving system to interpret the received byte stream. I assume that they did not interpret the received message as utf-8 but as a different ccsid and therefore complained about wrong characters.

What happens when you change XmlEntityEncoder_setEnabled() to *ON?

Does it still work or do you need to set it to *OFF?


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: ftpapi-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ftpapi-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] Im Auftrag von larsenvalverde@xxxxxxxxx
Gesendet: Dienstag, 10. November 2015 19:35
An: ftpapi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Betreff: AW: Posting data in CCSID 1026 not well received by server in UFT-8

Hi Thomas,

I have found the solution for my problem.

Just when I wrote the statement ...


I found that before it was the other statement…

contentType = ‘text/xml;'

I have changed it to:

contentType = ‘text/xml; charset=utf-8'

and.. it works!  Now they receive the turkish characters ok.

Thanks for all.

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