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Re: "Broken Pipe" Error


Broken pipe means (more or less) that you were disconnected in the middle of writing the data.

The gsk_secure_soc_write() API is an IBM-supplied API for doing SSL communications. You can't "drill down" into it because IBM does not provide source code for the operating system. You can learn more about it here, however:

I'm guessing that maybe you screwed something up in the system when you were changing authorities that is causing the SSL features of the operating system to go haywire -- only a guess, of course, but you say it was working fine until you changed some permissions...


On 2/19/2016 12:35 PM, Chuck Kabacinski wrote:
    We have used your http software for years for a Web Services
    Application.  It has performed very well.  Recently, for users that
    have 'lower authority" levels, we've run into some authority issues on
    one of our systems relating to the IFS Folder:
    ... and to the objects in this folder.  We have resolved these issues,
    mostly by modifying the *PUBLIC authority values on the "Server"
    folder and its' objects.
    However, we are now getting a new error. The error occurs in the
    "do_post" procedure within the HTTPAPIR4 Module. Here is the line of
    eval rc = SendReq( peComm
                     : %addr(wwReqChain)+2
                     : %len(wwReqChain)
                     : peTimeout )
    this SendReq call, executes the "CommSSL_BlockWrite" procedure in the
    COMMSSLR4 module. The following set of code produces an error:
     eval  rc = gsk_secure_soc_write(sslh:
            wwPos: wwLeft: wwLen )

      if rc <> GSK_OK
       callp SetError(HTTP_BWSEND
                     : 'CommSSL_BlockWrite: send: '
                     + ssl_error(rc) )
       return -1
The 'rc' field value is returned as '406' and the error message comes
    back with a value of:
    "CommSSL_BlockWrite: send: (GSKit) I/O: Broken pipe."
    I am not able to use 'debug' to drill into the "gsk_secure_soc_write"
    Any help that you could provide would be appreciated.
    Chuck Kabacinski

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