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Re: [Ftpapi] Data to post truncated

There is nothing in HTTPAPI that limits you to 32766.  I use it with *much* larger strings than that every day without problems.

On 11/14/17 11:53 AM, Nihat Ezer wrote:
Using the HTTPAPI Ver 1.31 by Scott Klement, which works well so far and my debug file with the statement of http_debug(*on: '/tmp/ew0001-debug.txt') currently shows that my data to post has been truncated and its length is 32766 characters, so it seems that i need to increase it but do not know how to do it.

Here is a snippet from my code:
dcl-s loUrl       char(128);
dcl-s rcvDta      varchar(32766);
dcl-s datatoPost  varchar(32766) ;

loReturnCode = http_url_post_raw(loUrl
                         : %addr(loDatatoPost)
                         : %len(%trim(loDatatoPost))
                         : FD
                         : %paddr(EWS_httpVeriyiAl
                         : HTTP_TIMEOUT
                         : HTTP_USERAGENT
                         : 'application/json');


// ASCII to EBCDIC conversion
http_xlateP(%len(glRcvDta): %addr(glRcvDta) + 2: TO_EBCDIC);

dcl-proc EWS_httpVeriyiAl;
   dcl-pi  EWS_httpVeriyiAl int(10);
     peFD    int(10) value;
     peData  pointer value;
     peLen   int(10) value;

   dcl-s loDta  char(32000) based(peData);

   glRcvDta = glRcvDta +  %subst(loDta: 1: peLen);
   return peLen;
end-proc EWS_httpVeriyiAl;
Thank you,


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