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STATS(3)               FreeBSD Library Functions Manual               STATS(3)

     stats - statistics gathering

     library "libstats"

     #include <sys/arb.h>
     #include <sys/qmath.h>
     #include <sys/stats.h>

   Stats Blob Template Management Functions
     stats_tpl_alloc(const char *name, uint32_t flags);

     stats_tpl_fetch_allocid(const char *name, uint32_t hash);

     stats_tpl_fetch(int tpl_id, struct statsblob_tpl **tpl);

     stats_tpl_id2name(uint32_t tpl_id, char *buf, size_t len);


     stats_tpl_sample_rollthedice(struct stats_tpl_sample_rate *rates,
         int nrates, void *seed_bytes, size_t seed_len);

     struct voistatspec

     struct voistatspec

     struct voistatspec

     struct voistatspec
     STATS_VSS_CRHIST<32|64>_LIN(lb, ub, stepinc, vsdflags);

     struct voistatspec
     STATS_VSS_CRHIST<32|64>_EXP(lb, ub, stepbase, stepexp, vsdflags);

     struct voistatspec
     STATS_VSS_CRHIST<32|64>_LINEXP(lb, ub, nlinsteps, stepbase, vsdflags);

     struct voistatspec
     STATS_VSS_CRHIST<32|64>_USR(HBKTS(CRBKT(lb), ...), vsdflags);

     struct voistatspec
     STATS_VSS_DRHIST<32|64>_USR(HBKTS(DRBKT(lb, ub), ...), vsdflags);

     struct voistatspec
     STATS_VSS_DVHIST<32|64>_USR(HBKTS(DVBKT(val), ...), vsdflags);

     struct voistatspec
     STATS_VSS_TDGSTCLUST<32|64>(nctroids, prec);

     stats_tpl_add_voistats(uint32_t tpl_id, int32_t voi_id,
         const char *voi_name, enum vsd_dtype voi_dtype, uint32_t nvss,
         struct voistatspec *vss, uint32_t flags);

   Stats Blob Data Gathering Functions
     stats_voi_update_<abs|rel>_<dtype>(struct statsblob *sb, int32_t voi_id,
         <dtype> voival);

   Stats Blob Utility Functions
     struct statsblob *
     stats_blob_alloc(uint32_t tpl_id, uint32_t flags);

     stats_blob_init(struct statsblob *sb, uint32_t tpl_id, uint32_t flags);

     stats_blob_clone(struct statsblob **dst, size_t dstmaxsz,
         struct statsblob *src, uint32_t flags);

     stats_blob_destroy(struct statsblob *sb);

     stats_voistat_fetch_dptr(struct statsblob *sb, int32_t voi_id,
         enum voi_stype stype, enum vsd_dtype *retdtype,
         struct voistatdata **retvsd, size_t *retvsdsz);

     stats_voistat_fetch_<dtype>(struct statsblob *sb, int32_t voi_id,
         enum voi_stype stype, <dtype> *ret);

     stats_blob_snapshot(struct statsblob **dst, size_t dstmaxsz,
         struct statsblob *src, uint32_t flags);

     stats_blob_tostr(struct statsblob *sb, struct sbuf *buf,
         enum sb_str_fmt fmt, uint32_t flags);

     stats_voistatdata_tostr(const struct voistatdata *vsd,
         enum vsd_dtype dtype, enum sb_str_fmt fmt, struct sbuf *buf,
         int objdump);

     typedef int
     (*stats_blob_visitcb_t)(struct sb_visit *sbv, void *usrctx);)(struct sb_visit *sbv, void *usrctx);

     stats_blob_visit(struct statsblob *sb, stats_blob_visitcb_t func,
         void *usrctx);

     The stats framework facilitates real-time kernel and user space
     statistics gathering.  The framework is built around the "statsblob", an
     object embedded within a contiguous memory allocation that is mostly
     opaque to consumers and stores all required state.  A "statsblob" object
     can itself be embedded within other objects either directly or indirectly
     using a pointer.

     Objects or subsystems for which statistics are to be gathered are
     initialized from a template "statsblob", which acts as the blueprint for
     an arbitrary set of Variables Of Interest (VOIs) and their associated
     statistics.  Each template defines a schema plus associated metadata,
     which are kept separate to minimize the memory footprint of blobs.

     Data gathering hook functions added at appropriate locations within the
     code base of interest feed VOI data into the framework for processing.

     Each "statsblob", consists of a struct statsblob header and opaque
     internal blob structure per the following diagram:

           |   struct  |                  uint8_t                  |
           | statsblob |                 opaque[]                  |

     The publicly visible 8-byte header is defined as:

           struct statsblob {
                   uint8_t         abi;
                   uint8_t         endian;
                   uint16_t        flags;
                   uint16_t        maxsz;
                   uint16_t        cursz;
                   uint8_t         opaque[];

     abi specifies which API version the blob's opaque internals conform to
     (STATS_ABI_V1 is the only version currently defined).  endian specifies
     the endianness of the blob's fields (SB_LE for little endian, SB_BE for
     big endian, or SB_UE for unknown endianness).  cursz specifies the size
     of the blob, while maxsz specifies the size of the underlying memory
     allocation in which the blob is embedded.  Both cursz and maxsz default
     to units of bytes, unless a flag is set in flags that dictates otherwise.

     Templates are constructed by associating arbitrary VOI IDs with a set of
     statistics, where each statistic is specified using a struct voistatspec
     per the definition below:

           struct voistatspec {
                   vss_hlpr_fn             hlpr;
                   struct vss_hlpr_info    *hlprinfo;
                   struct voistatdata      *iv;
                   size_t                  vsdsz;
                   uint32_t                flags;
                   enum vsd_dtype          vs_dtype : 8;
                   enum voi_stype          stype : 8;

     It is generally expected that consumers will not work with struct
     voistatspec directly, and instead use the STATS_VSS_*() helper macros.

     The stats framework offers the following statistics for association with

     VS_STYPE_SUM        The sum of VOI values.

     VS_STYPE_MAX        The maximum VOI value.

     VS_STYPE_MIN        The minimum VOI value.

     VS_STYPE_HIST       A static bucket histogram of VOI values, including a
                         count of "out-of-band/bucket" values which did not
                         match any bucket.  Histograms can be specified as
                         "Continuous Range" (CRHIST), "Discrete Range"
                         (DRHIST) or "Discrete Value" (DVHIST), with 32 or 64
                         bit bucket counters, depending on the VOI semantics.

     VS_STYPE_TDGST      A dynamic bucket histogram of VOI values based on the
                         t-digest method (refer to the t-digest paper in the
                         SEE ALSO section below).

     A "visitor software design pattern"-like scheme is employed to facilitate
     iterating over a blob's data without concern for the blob's structure.
     The data provided to visitor callback functions is encapsulated in struct
     sb_visit per the definition below:

           struct sb_visit {
                   struct voistatdata      *vs_data;
                   uint32_t                tplhash;
                   uint32_t                flags;
                   int16_t                 voi_id;
                   int16_t                 vs_dsz;
                   enum vsd_dtype          voi_dtype : 8;
                   enum vsd_dtype          vs_dtype : 8;
                   int8_t                  vs_stype;
                   uint16_t                vs_errs;

     The stats_tpl_sample_rates() and stats_tpl_sample_rollthedice() functions
     utilize struct stats_tpl_sample_rate to encapsulate per-template sample
     rate information per the definition below:

           struct stats_tpl_sample_rate {
                   int32_t         tpl_slot_id;
                   uint32_t        tpl_sample_pct;

     The tpl_slot_id member holds the template's slot ID obtained from
     stats_tpl_alloc() or stats_tpl_fetch_allocid().  The tpl_sample_pct
     member holds the template's sample rate as an integer percentage in the
     range [0,100].

     The stats_tpl_sr_cb_t conformant function pointer that is required as the
     arg1 of stats_tpl_sample_rates() is defined as:

           enum stats_tpl_sr_cb_action {
           typedef int (*stats_tpl_sr_cb_t)(enum stats_tpl_sr_cb_action action,
               struct stats_tpl_sample_rate **rates, int *nrates, void *ctx);

     It is required that a conformant function:

     -   Return an appropriate errno(2) on error, otherwise 0.

     -   When called with "action == TPL_SR_*_GET", return the subsystem's
         rates list ptr and count, locked or unlocked as requested.

     -   When called with "action == TPL_SR_RUNLOCK", unlock the subsystem's
         rates list ptr and count.  Pair with a prior "action ==
         TPL_SR_RLOCKED_GET" call.

     -   When called with "action == TPL_SR_PUT", update the subsystem's rates
         list ptr and count to the sysctl processed values and return the
         inactive list details in rates and nrates for garbage collection by

     Where templates need to be referenced via textual means, for example via
     a MIB variable, the following string based template spec formats can be

     1.   "<tplname>":<tplhash>, for example "TCP_DEFAULT":1731235399

     2.   "<tplname>", for example "TCP_DEFAULT"

     3.   :<tplhash>, for example :1731235399

     The first form is the normative spec format generated by the framework,
     while the second and third forms are convenience formats primarily for
     user input.  The use of inverted commas around the template name is

   MIB Variables
     The in-kernel stats framework exposes the following framework-specific
     variables in the kern.stats branch of the sysctl(3) MIB.

     templates  Read-only CSV list of registered templates in normative
                template spec form.

   Template Management Functions
     The stats_tpl_alloc() function allocates a new template with the
     specified unique name and returns its runtime-stable template slot ID for
     use with other API functions.  The flags argument is currently unused.

     The stats_tpl_fetch_allocid() function returns the runtime-stable
     template slot ID of any registered template matching the specified name
     and hash.

     The stats_tpl_fetch() function returns the pointer to the registered
     template object at the specified template slot ID.

     The stats_tpl_id2name() function returns the name of the registered
     template object at the specified template slot ID.

     The stats_tpl_sample_rates() function provides a generic handler for
     template sample rates management and reporting via sysctl(3) MIB
     variables.  Subsystems can use this function to create a subsystem-
     specific SYSCTL_PROC(9) MIB variable that manages and reports subsystem-
     specific template sampling rates.  Subsystems must supply a
     stats_tpl_sr_cb_t conformant function pointer as the sysctl's arg1, which
     is a callback used to interact with the subsystem's stats template sample
     rates list.  Subsystems can optionally specify the sysctl's arg2 as non-
     zero, which causes a zero-initialized allocation of arg2-sized contextual
     memory to be heap-allocated and passed in to all subsystem callbacks made
     during the operation of stats_tpl_sample_rates().

     The stats_tpl_sample_rollthedice() function makes a weighted random
     template selection from the supplied array of template sampling rates.
     The cumulative percentage of all sampling rates should not exceed 100.
     If no seed is supplied, a PRNG is used to generate a true random number
     so that every selection is independent.  If a seed is supplied, selection
     will be made randomly across different seeds, but deterministically given
     the same seed.

     The stats_tpl_add_voistats() function is used to add a VOI and associated
     set of statistics to the registered template object at the specified
     template slot ID.  The set of statistics is passed as an array of struct
     voistatspec which can be initialized using the STATS_VSS_*() helper
     macros or manually for non-standard use cases.  For static vss arrays,
     the nvss count of array elements can be determined by passing vss to the
     NVSS() macro.  The SB_VOI_RELUPDATE flag can be passed to configure the
     VOI for use with stats_voi_update_rel_<dtype>(), which entails
     maintaining an extra 8 bytes of state in the blob at each update.

   Data Gathering Functions
     The stats_voi_update_abs_<dtype>() and stats_voi_update_rel_<dtype>()
     functions both update all the statistics associated with the VOI
     identified by voi_id.  The "abs" call uses voival as an absolute value,
     whereas the "rel" call uses voival as a value relative to that of the
     previous update function call, by adding it to the previous value and
     using the result for the update.  Relative updates are only possible for
     VOIs that were added to the template with the SB_VOI_RELUPDATE flag
     specified to stats_tpl_add_voistats().

   Utility Functions
     The stats_blob_alloc() function allocates and initializes a new blob
     based on the registered template object at the specified template slot

     The stats_blob_init() function initializes a new blob in an existing
     memory allocation based on the registered template object at the
     specified template slot ID.

     The stats_blob_clone() function duplicates the src blob into dst, leaving
     only the maxsz field of dst untouched.  The SB_CLONE_ALLOCDST flag can be
     passed to instruct the function to allocate a new blob of appropriate
     size into which to clone src, storing the new pointer in *dst.  The
     SB_CLONE_USRDSTNOFAULT or SB_CLONE_USRDST flags can be set to
     respectively signal that copyout_nofault(9) or copyout(9) should be used
     because *dst is a user space address.

     The stats_blob_snapshot() function calls stats_blob_clone() to obtain a
     copy of src and then performs any additional functions required to
     produce a coherent blob snapshot.  The flags interpreted by
     stats_blob_clone() also apply to stats_blob_snapshot().  Additionally,
     the SB_CLONE_RSTSRC flag can be used to effect a reset of the src blob's
     statistics after a snapshot is successfully taken.

     The stats_blob_destroy() function destroys a blob previously created with
     stats_blob_alloc(), stats_blob_clone() or stats_blob_snapshot().

     The stats_blob_visit() function allows the caller to iterate over the
     contents of a blob.  The callback function func is called for every VOI
     and statistic in the blob, passing a struct sb_visit and the user context
     argument usrctx to the callback function.  The sbv passed to the callback
     function may have one or more of the following flags set in the flags
     struct member to provide useful metadata about the iteration:
     SB_IT_NULLVOISTAT.  Returning a non-zero value from the callback function
     terminates the iteration.

     The stats_blob_tostr() renders a string representation of a blob into the
     sbuf(9) buf.  Currently supported render formats are SB_STRFMT_FREEFORM
     and SB_STRFMT_JSON.  The SB_TOSTR_OBJDUMP flag can be passed to render
     version specific opaque implementation detail for debugging or string-to-
     binary blob reconstruction purposes.  The SB_TOSTR_META flag can be
     passed to render template metadata into the string representation, using
     the blob's template hash to lookup the corresponding template.

     The stats_voistatdata_tostr() renders a string representation of an
     individual statistic's data into the sbuf(9) buf.  The same render
     formats supported by the stats_blob_tostr() function can be specified,
     and the objdump boolean has the same meaning as the SB_TOSTR_OBJDUMP

     The stats_voistat_fetch_dptr() function returns an internal blob pointer
     to the specified stype statistic data for the VOI voi_id.  The
     stats_voistat_fetch_<dtype>() functions are convenience wrappers around
     stats_voistat_fetch_dptr() to perform the extraction for simple data

     The following notes apply to STATS_ABI_V1 format statsblobs.

   Space-Time Complexity
     Blobs are laid out as three distinct memory regions following the header:

           |   struct    | struct |   struct   |     struct     |
           | statsblobv1 | voi [] | voistat [] | voistatdata [] |

     Blobs store VOI and statistic blob state (8 bytes for struct voi and 8
     bytes for struct voistat respectively) in sparse arrays, using the voi_id
     and enum voi_stype as array indices.  This allows O(1) access to any
     voi/voistat pair in the blob, at the expense of 8 bytes of wasted memory
     per vacant slot for templates which do not specify contiguously numbered
     VOIs and/or statistic types.  Data storage for statistics is only
     allocated for non-vacant slot pairs.

     To provide a concrete example, a blob with the following specification:

     -   Two VOIs; ID 0 and 2; added to the template in that order

     -   VOI 0 is of data type int64_t, is configured with SB_VOI_RELUPDATE to
         enable support for relative updates using
         stats_voi_update_rel_<dtype>(), and has a VS_STYPE_MIN statistic
         associated with it.

     -   VOI 2 is of data type uint32_t with VS_STYPE_SUM and VS_STYPE_MAX
         statistics associated with it.

     would have the following memory layout:

     | header                             | struct statsblobv1, 32 bytes
     | voi[0]                             | struct voi, 8 bytes
     | voi[1] (vacant)                    | struct voi, 8 bytes
     | voi[2]                             | struct voi, 8 bytes
     | voi[2]voistat[VOISTATE] (vacant)   | struct voistat, 8 bytes
     | voi[2]voistat[SUM]                 | struct voistat, 8 bytes
     | voi[2]voistat[MAX]                 | struct voistat, 8 bytes
     | voi[0]voistat[VOISTATE]            | struct voistat, 8 bytes
     | voi[0]voistat[SUM] (vacant)        | struct voistat, 8 bytes
     | voi[0]voistat[MAX] (vacant)        | struct voistat, 8 bytes
     | voi[0]voistat[MIN]                 | struct voistat, 8 bytes
     | voi[2]voistat[SUM]voistatdata      | struct voistatdata_int32, 4 bytes
     | voi[2]voistat[MAX]voistatdata      | struct voistatdata_int32, 4 bytes
     | voi[0]voistat[VOISTATE]voistatdata | struct voistatdata_numeric, 8 bytes
     | voi[0]voistat[MIN]voistatdata      | struct voistatdata_int64, 8 bytes
                                            TOTAL 136 bytes

     When rendered to string format using stats_blob_tostr(), the
     SB_STRFMT_FREEFORM fmt and the SB_TOSTR_OBJDUMP flag, the rendered output

     struct statsblobv1@0x8016250a0, abi=1, endian=1, maxsz=136, cursz=136, \
       created=6294158585626144, lastrst=6294158585626144, flags=0x0000, \
       stats_off=56, statsdata_off=112, tplhash=2994056564
         vois[0]: id=0, name="", flags=0x0001, dtype=INT_S64, voistatmaxid=3, \
             vois[0]stat[0]: stype=VOISTATE, flags=0x0000, dtype=VOISTATE, \
               dsz=8, data_off=120
                 voistatdata: prev=0
             vois[0]stat[1]: stype=-1
             vois[0]stat[2]: stype=-1
             vois[0]stat[3]: stype=MIN, flags=0x0000, dtype=INT_S64, \
               dsz=8, data_off=128
                 voistatdata: 9223372036854775807
         vois[1]: id=-1
         vois[2]: id=2, name="", flags=0x0000, dtype=INT_U32, voistatmaxid=2, \
             vois[2]stat[0]: stype=-1
             vois[2]stat[1]: stype=SUM, flags=0x0000, dtype=INT_U32, dsz=4, \
                 voistatdata: 0
             vois[2]stat[2]: stype=MAX, flags=0x0000, dtype=INT_U32, dsz=4, \
                 voistatdata: 0

     Note: The "\" present in the rendered output above indicates a manual
     line break inserted to keep the man page within 80 columns and is not
     part of the actual output.

     The stats framework does not provide any concurrency protection at the
     individual blob level, instead requiring that consumers guarantee mutual
     exclusion when calling API functions that reference a non-template blob.

     The list of templates is protected with a rwlock(9) in-kernel, and
     pthread(3) rw lock in user space to support concurrency between template
     management and blob initialization operations.

     stats_tpl_alloc() returns a runtime-stable template slot ID on success,
     or a negative errno on failure.  -EINVAL is returned if any problems are
     detected with the arguments.  -EEXIST is returned if an existing template
     is registered with the same name.  -ENOMEM is returned if a required
     memory allocation fails.

     stats_tpl_fetch_allocid() returns a runtime-stable template slot ID, or
     negative errno on failure.  -ESRCH is returned if no registered template
     matches the specified name and/or hash.

     stats_tpl_fetch() returns 0 on success, or ENOENT if an invalid tpl_id is

     stats_tpl_id2name() returns 0 on success, or an errno on failure.
     EOVERFLOW is returned if the length of buf specified by len is too short
     to hold the template's name.  ENOENT is returned if an invalid tpl_id is

     stats_tpl_sample_rollthedice() returns a valid template slot id selected
     from rates or -1 if a NULL selection was made, that is no stats
     collection this roll.

     stats_tpl_add_voistats() return 0 on success, or an errno on failure.
     EINVAL is returned if any problems are detected with the arguments.
     EFBIG is returned if the resulting blob would have exceeded the maximum
     size.  EOPNOTSUPP is returned if an attempt is made to add more VOI stats
     to a previously configured VOI.  ENOMEM is returned if a required memory
     allocation fails.

     stats_voi_update_abs_<dtype>() and stats_voi_update_rel_<dtype>() return
     0 on success, or EINVAL if any problems are detected with the arguments.

     stats_blob_init() returns 0 on success, or an errno on failure.  EINVAL
     is returned if any problems are detected with the arguments.  EOVERFLOW
     is returned if the template blob's cursz is larger than the maxsz of the
     blob being initialized.

     stats_blob_alloc() returns a pointer to a newly allocated and initialized
     blob based on the specified template with slot ID tpl_id, or NULL if the
     memory allocation failed.

     stats_blob_clone() and stats_blob_snapshot() return 0 on success, or an
     errno on failure.  EINVAL is returned if any problems are detected with
     the arguments.  ENOMEM is returned if the SB_CLONE_ALLOCDST flag was
     specified and the memory allocation for dst fails.  EOVERFLOW is returned
     if the src blob's cursz is larger than the maxsz of the dst blob.

     stats_blob_visit() returns 0 on success, or EINVAL if any problems are
     detected with the arguments.

     stats_blob_tostr() and stats_voistatdata_tostr() return 0 on success, or
     an errno on failure.  EINVAL is returned if any problems are detected
     with the arguments, otherwise any error returned by sbuf_error() for buf
     is returned.

     stats_voistat_fetch_dptr() returns 0 on success, or EINVAL if any
     problems are detected with the arguments.

     stats_voistat_fetch_<dtype>() returns 0 on success, or an errno on
     failure.  EINVAL is returned if any problems are detected with the
     arguments.  EFTYPE is returned if the requested data type does not match
     the blob's data type for the specified voi_id and stype.

     errno(2), arb(3), qmath(3), tcp(4), sbuf(9)

     Ted Dunning and Otmar Ertl, Computing Extremely Accurate Quantiles Using

     The stats framework first appeared in FreeBSD 13.0.

     The stats framework and this manual page were written by Lawrence Stewart
     <> and sponsored by Netflix, Inc.

     Granularity of timing-dependent network statistics, in particular
     TCP_RTT, depends on the HZ timer.  To minimize the measurement error
     avoid using HZ lower than 1000.

FreeBSD 13.1-RELEASE-p6        December 2, 2019        FreeBSD 13.1-RELEASE-p6

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