4.5. Example of reading/writing/updating records in a stream file

This example will create a stream file that contains some demonstration records. It will then show you how to look up the records, update some of the information in them, and even search through the file to find them.

Here's the code. Once again, read the code over and see if you can figure out what it does. Then, run the program and see if you're right!

      * CH4FIXED: Example of fixed-length records in an IFS file
      *  (From Chap 4)
      * To compile:


     D dsRecord        DS
     D   PartNo                      10S 0
     D   Quantity                    10I 0
     D   UnitOfMeas                   3A
     D   Price                        7P 2
     D   Description                 50A

     D fd              S             10I 0
     D err             S             10I 0
     D MyStat          S                   like(statds)
     D recno           S             10I 0
     D NumRec          S             10I 0
     D SaveRec         S             10I 0
     D Pos             S             10I 0

     c                   exsr      MakeFile

     c                   eval      fd = open('/ifstest/ch4_records': O_RDWR)
     c                   if        fd < 0
     c                   callp     die('open(): ' + %str(strerror(errno)))
     c                   endif

     c                   exsr      UpdateEx
     c                   exsr      SearchEx

     c                   callp     close(fd)

     c                   eval      *inlr = *on

     C* This creates a file in the IFS containing fixed-length
     C* records.
     CSR   MakeFile      begsr
     c                   eval      fd = open('/ifstest/ch4_records':
     c                                    O_WRONLY+O_CREAT+O_TRUNC:
     c                                    S_IRUSR+S_IWUSR+S_IRGRP)
     c                   if        fd < 0
     c                   callp     die('open(): ' + %str(strerror(errno)))
     c                   endif

     c                   eval      PartNo = 5001
     c                   eval      Quantity = 14
     c                   eval      UnitOfMeas = 'BOX'
     c                   eval      Price = 7.95
     c                   eval      Description = 'BLUE WIDGETS'
     c                   callp     write(fd:%addr(dsRecord):%size(dsRecord))

     c                   eval      PartNo = 5002
     c                   eval      Quantity = 6
     c                   eval      UnitOfMeas = 'BOX'
     c                   eval      Price = 3.95
     c                   eval      Description = 'RAINBOW SUSPENDERS'
     c                   callp     write(fd:%addr(dsRecord):%size(dsRecord))

     c                   eval      PartNo = 5003
     c                   eval      Quantity = 19
     c                   eval      UnitOfMeas = 'SEA'
     c                   eval      Price = 29.95
     c                   eval      Description = 'RED BICYCLE SEATS'
     c                   callp     write(fd:%addr(dsRecord):%size(dsRecord))

     c                   eval      PartNo = 5004
     c                   eval      Quantity = 8
     c                   eval      UnitOfMeas = 'ITM'
     c                   eval      Price = 93512.80
     c                   eval      Description = 'REALLY EXPENSIVE ITEMS'
     c                   callp     write(fd:%addr(dsRecord):%size(dsRecord))

     c                   eval      PartNo = 5005
     c                   eval      Quantity = 414
     c                   eval      UnitOfMeas = 'BAT'
     c                   eval      Price = 11.41
     c                   eval      Description = 'BATS IN THE BELFRY'
     c                   callp     write(fd:%addr(dsRecord):%size(dsRecord))

     c                   eval      PartNo = 5006
     c                   eval      Quantity = 125
     c                   eval      UnitOfMeas = 'BOX'
     c                   eval      Price = 1.23
     c                   eval      Description = 'KATES OLD SHOES'
     c                   callp     write(fd:%addr(dsRecord):%size(dsRecord))

     c                   callp     close(fd)
     CSR                 endsr

     C* This demonstrates updating our fixed-length record file:
     CSR   UpdateEx      begsr
     C* Someone bought a box of suspenders, and we want to change
     C* the quantity:

     C* The suspenders are in record number 2, so get them now:
     c                   eval      recno = 2
     c                   eval      pos = %size(dsRecord) * (recno-1)
     c                   callp     lseek(fd: pos: SEEK_SET)
     c                   callp     read(fd: %addr(dsRecord):%size(dsRecord))

     c                   eval      Quantity = Quantity - 1
     c                   callp     lseek(fd: pos: SEEK_SET)
     c                   callp     write(fd:%addr(dsRecord):%size(dsRecord))

     C* Kate's shoes need to move faster, put them on sale!
     c                   eval      recno = 6
     c                   eval      pos = %size(dsRecord) * (recno-1)
     c                   callp     lseek(fd: pos: SEEK_SET)
     c                   callp     read(fd: %addr(dsRecord):%size(dsRecord))

     c                   eval      Price = 0.25
     c                   callp     lseek(fd: pos: SEEK_SET)
     c                   callp     write(fd:%addr(dsRecord):%size(dsRecord))
     CSR                 endsr

     C* This demonstrates searching for a record in the file:
     CSR   SearchEx      begsr
     C* GASP! I can't remember the record number for Bats!
     C* The part number was 5005, let's search for it
     c                   if        fstat(fd: %addr(mystat)) < 0
     c                   eval      err = errno
     c                   callp     close(fd)
     c                   callp     die('fstat(): ' + %str(strerror(err)))
     c                   endif

     c                   eval      p_statds = %addr(mystat)
     c                   eval      numrec = st_size / %size(dsRecord)
     c                   eval      SaveRec = -1

     c                   for       recno = 1 to numrec
     c                   eval      pos = %size(dsRecord) * (recno-1)
     c                   callp     lseek(fd: pos: SEEK_SET)
     c                   callp     read(fd: %addr(PartNo): %size(PartNo))
     c                   if        PartNo = 5005
     c                   eval      SaveRec = recno
     c                   leave
     c                   endif
     c                   endfor

     c                   if        SaveRec = -1
     c                   callp     close(fd)
     c                   callp     die('Part no 5005 not found!')
     c                   endif
     CSR                 endsr