7.10. Example of Reading a directory recursively

One more program. This one shows how to read through directories "recursively."

As you know, a directory can contain sub-directories. Those sub-directories can contain more sub-directories. How can you write a program that will process them all, when you don't know how many levels deep it can go?

The answer is "recursion." Recursion is the ability for a sub-procedure to call itself. Each new call to the sub-procedure has it's own copies of the variables that it uses (unless they are global or static.) This is useful to us, since it means that we can write a sub-procedure that lists out the contents of a directory. When it finds a sub-directory in that directory, it can call itself with the sub-directory's name. The new copy of the sub-procedure will process that directory, again looking for more directories, etc.

It's a bit of a difficult concept to understand the first time you see it. It helps to think of it as a "call stack", like programs have. Each time the procedure calls itself, think of it adding a new entry to that stack. When the newly called procedure ends, it's entry on the stack is removed, and the copy that made the call continues where it left off.

Once again, we'll use QSHELL. But this time, instead of looking like an MS-DOS DIR command, we'll just print the filename to the screen. Hopefully, when you see what it's outputting, you'll understand how the recursion works.

      * CH7RECURSE: Just in case that last example wasn't complicated
      *   enough!
      *  (From Chap 7)
      * To compile:


     D show_dir        PR            10I 0
     D   curdir                    1024A   varying const

     D STDIN           C                   CONST(0)
     D STDOUT          C                   CONST(1)
     D STDERR          C                   CONST(2)

     D S_ISDIR         PR             1N
     D   mode                        10U 0 value

     D curr            s           1024A
     D curdir          s           1024A   varying
     D line            S           1024A
     D len             S             10I 0

     D cmd             PR                  ExtPgm('QCMDEXC')
     D  command                     200A   const
     D  length                       15P 5 const

     c                   eval      *inlr = *on

     c                   callp     cmd('DLYJOB DLY(10)': 20)

     C* Use the getcwd() API to find out the
     C* name of the current directory:
     c                   if        getcwd(%addr(curr): %size(curr)) = *NULL
     c                   eval      line = 'getcwd(): ' +
     c                                     %str(strerror(errno))
     c                   eval      len = %len(%trimr(line))
     c                   callp     writeline(STDERR: %addr(line): len)
     c                   return
     c                   endif

     c                   eval      curdir = %str(%addr(curr))

     C*  Call our show_dir proc to show all
     C*  of the files (and subdirectories) in
     C*  the current directory.
     c                   callp     show_dir(curdir)
     c                   return

      *  prints all of the files in the directory to STDOUT.
      *  if a subdirectory is found, this procedure will call
      *  itself (recursively) to process that directory.
     P show_dir        B
     D show_dir        PI            10I 0
     D   curdir                    1024A   varying const

     D mystat          S                   like(statds)
     D dir             S               *
     D line            S           1024A
     D len             S             10I 0
     D filename        S           1024A   varying
     D fnwithdir       S           1024A   varying
     D err             S             10I 0

     C* open the current directory:
     c                   eval      dir = opendir(curdir)
     c                   if        dir = *NULL
     c                   eval      err = errno
     c                   eval      line = 'opendir(): ' +
     c                                     %str(strerror(err)) +
     c                              ', errno=' + %trim(%editc(err:'L'))
     c                   eval      len = %len(%trimr(line))
     c                   callp     writeline(STDERR: %addr(line): len)
     c                   if        err = EACCES
     c                   return    0
     c                   else
     c                   return    -1
     c                   endif
     c                   endif

     c                   eval      p_dirent = readdir(dir)

     c                   dow       p_dirent <> *NULL

     c                   eval      filename = %subst(d_name:1:d_namelen)
     c                   eval      fnwithdir = curdir + '/' + filename

     c                   if        filename<>'.' and filename<>'..'

     c                   if        stat(fnwithdir: %addr(mystat))<0
     c                   eval      line = 'stat(): ' +
     c                                     %str(strerror(errno))
     c                   eval      len = %len(%trimr(line))
     c                   callp     writeline(STDERR: %addr(line): len)
     c                   return    -1
     c                   endif

     c                   eval      line = fnwithdir
     c                   eval      len = %len(%trimr(line))
     c                   callp     writeline(STDOUT: %addr(line): len)

     c                   eval      p_statds = %addr(mystat)
     c                   if        S_ISDIR(st_mode)
     c                   if        show_dir(fnwithdir) < 0
     c                   return    -1
     c                   endif
     c                   endif

     c                   endif

     c                   eval      p_dirent = readdir(dir)
     c                   enddo

     c                   callp     closedir(dir)

     c                   return    0
     P                 E

      *  This tests a file mode to see if a file is a directory.
      * Here is the C code we're trying to duplicate:
      *      #define _S_IFDIR    0040000                                       */
      *      #define S_ISDIR(mode) (((mode) & 0370000) == _S_IFDIR)
      * 1) ((mode) & 0370000) takes the file's mode and performs a
      *      bitwise AND with the octal constant 0370000.  In binary,
      *      that constant looks like: 00000000000000011111000000000000
      *      The effect of this code is to turn off all bits in the
      *      mode, except those marked with a '1' in the binary bitmask.
      * 2) ((result of #1) == _S_IFDIR)  What this does is compare
      *      the result of step 1, above with the _S_IFDIR, which
      *      is defined to be the octal constant 0040000.  In decimal,
      *      that octal constant is 16384.
     P S_ISDIR         B
     D S_ISDIR         PI             1N
     D   mode                        10U 0 value

     D                 DS
     D  dirmode                1      4U 0
     D  byte1                  1      1A
     D  byte2                  2      2A
     D  byte3                  3      3A
     D  byte4                  4      4A

     C* Turn off bits in the mode, as in step (1) above.
     c                   eval      dirmode = mode

     c                   bitoff    x'FF'         byte1
     c                   bitoff    x'FE'         byte2
     c                   bitoff    x'0F'         byte3
     c                   bitoff    x'FF'         byte4

     C* Compare the result to 0040000, and return true or false.
     c                   if        dirmode = 16384
     c                   return    *On
     c                   else
     c                   return    *Off
     c                   endif
     P                 E


Once again, you'll need to compile the program, start up QSHELL, and run it from the QSHELL prompt. The command that you'll run will be: