3.6. Our first client program

We've learned a lot of new API calls over the past few sections. It's time to put these new APIs to use with an example program.

This program is a very simple http client. It connects to a web server on the internet, and requests that a web page (or another file) on the server be sent back to it. It then receives the data that the web server returns and displays it on the screen.

It's important to understand that most data that is sent or received over the internet uses the concept of 'lines of text.' A line of text is a variable-length string of bytes, you can tell the end of a line by looking for the 'carriage-return' and 'line-feed' characters. When these characters appear in the text, it means that its time to start a new line.

In ASCII, the 'carriage-return' character (CR) is x'0D', and the 'line-feed' character is x'0A'. When translated to EBCDIC, these are x'0D' and x'25', respectively.

Therefore, the pseudocode for this client program looks like this:

  1. look up the port number for the HTTP service and store it into the variable 'port'.

  2. look up the IP address for the hostname that was passed as a parameter, and store it in the variable 'IP'.

  3. call the socket() API to create a socket that we can use for communicating with the HTTP server.

  4. create a socket address structure ('sockaddr') that will tell the connect() API which host & service to connect to.

  5. call the connect() API to connect to the HTTP server.

  6. place a two-line 'request' into a variable. The first line will contain the phrase "GET /pathname/filename HTTP/1.0" which tells the HTTP server that we wish to get a file from it, and also tells the HTTP server where that file is. The "HTTP/1.0" means that we're using version 1.0 of the HTTP specifications (more about that later) The second line of the request is blank, that's how we tell the server that we're done sending requests.

  7. Translate our request to ASCII so the server will understand it.

  8. Call the send() API to send our request to the server.

  9. Call the recv() API to read back 1 byte of the server's reply.

  10. If an error occurred (that is, the server disconnected us) then we're done receiving, jump ahead to step 13.

  11. If the byte that we've read is not the 'end-of-line' character, and our receive buffer isn't full, then add the byte to the end of the receive buffer, and go to step 9.

  12. Translate the receive buffer to EBCDIC so we can read it, and display the receive buffer. Then go back to step 9 to get the next line of data.

  13. Close the connection.

  14. Pause the screen so the user can see what we received before the program ends.

Without further ado, here's the sample program, utilizing all of the concepts from the past few sections of this tutorial:

         D getservbyname   PR              *   ExtProc('getservbyname')
         D  service_name                   *   value options(*string)
         D  protocol_name                  *   value options(*string)
         D p_servent       S               *
         D servent         DS                  based(p_servent)
         D   s_name                        *
         D   s_aliases                     *
         D   s_port                      10I 0
         D   s_proto                       *
         D inet_addr       PR            10U 0 ExtProc('inet_addr')
         D  address_str                    *   value options(*string)
         D INADDR_NONE     C                   CONST(4294967295)
         D inet_ntoa       PR              *   ExtProc('inet_ntoa')
         D  internet_addr                10U 0 value
         D p_hostent       S               *
         D hostent         DS                  Based(p_hostent)
         D   h_name                        *
         D   h_aliases                     *
         D   h_addrtype                  10I 0
         D   h_length                    10I 0
         D   h_addr_list                   *
         D p_h_addr        S               *   Based(h_addr_list)
         D h_addr          S             10U 0 Based(p_h_addr)
         D gethostbyname   PR              *   extproc('gethostbyname')
         D   host_name                     *   value options(*string)
         D socket          PR            10I 0 ExtProc('socket')
         D  addr_family                  10I 0 value
         D  type                         10I 0 value
         D  protocol                     10I 0 value
         D AF_INET         C                   CONST(2)
         D SOCK_STREAM     C                   CONST(1)
         D IPPROTO_IP      C                   CONST(0)
         D connect         PR            10I 0 ExtProc('connect')
         D  sock_desc                    10I 0 value
         D  dest_addr                      *   value
         D  addr_len                     10I 0 value
         D p_sockaddr      S               *
         D sockaddr        DS                  based(p_sockaddr)
         D   sa_family                    5I 0
         D   sa_data                     14A
         D sockaddr_in     DS                  based(p_sockaddr)
         D   sin_family                   5I 0
         D   sin_port                     5U 0
         D   sin_addr                    10U 0
         D   sin_zero                     8A
         D send            PR            10I 0 ExtProc('send')
         D   sock_desc                   10I 0 value
         D   buffer                        *   value
         D   buffer_len                  10I 0 value
         D   flags                       10I 0 value
         D recv            PR            10I 0 ExtProc('recv')
         D   sock_desc                   10I 0 value
         D   buffer                        *   value
         D   buffer_len                  10I 0 value
         D   flags                       10I 0 value
         D close           PR            10I 0 ExtProc('close')
         D  sock_desc                    10I 0 value
         D translate       PR                  ExtPgm('QDCXLATE')
         D   length                       5P 0 const
         D   data                     32766A   options(*varsize)
         D   table                       10A   const
         D msg             S             50A
         D sock            S             10I 0
         D port            S              5U 0
         D addrlen         S             10I 0
         D ch              S              1A
         D host            s             32A
         D file            s             32A
         D IP              s             10U 0
         D p_Connto        S               *
         D RC              S             10I 0
         D Request         S             60A
         D ReqLen          S             10I 0
         D RecBuf          S             50A
         D RecLen          S             10I 0
         C* The user will supply a hostname and file
         C*  name as parameters to our program...
         c     *entry        plist
         c                   parm                    host
         c                   parm                    file
         c                   eval      *inlr = *on
         C* what port is the http service located on?
         c                   eval      p_servent = getservbyname('http':'tcp')
         c                   if        p_servent = *NULL
         c                   eval      msg = 'Can''t find the http service!'
         c                   dsply                   msg
         c                   return
         c                   endif
         c                   eval      port = s_port
         C* Get the 32-bit network IP address for the host
         C*  that was supplied by the user:
         c                   eval      IP = inet_addr(%trim(host))
         c                   if        IP = INADDR_NONE
         c                   eval      p_hostent = gethostbyname(%trim(host))
         c                   if        p_hostent = *NULL
         c                   eval      msg = 'Unable to find that host!'
         c                   dsply                   msg
         c                   return
         c                   endif
         c                   eval      IP = h_addr
         c                   endif
         C* Create a socket
         c                   eval      sock = socket(AF_INET: SOCK_STREAM:
         c                                           IPPROTO_IP)
         c                   if        sock < 0
         c                   eval      msg = 'Error calling socket()!'
         c                   dsply                   msg
         c                   return
         c                   endif
         C* Create a socket address structure that
         C*   describes the host & port we wanted to
         C*   connect to
         c                   eval      addrlen = %size(sockaddr)
         c                   alloc     addrlen       p_connto
         c                   eval      p_sockaddr = p_connto
         c                   eval      sin_family = AF_INET
         c                   eval      sin_addr = IP
         c                   eval      sin_port = port
         c                   eval      sin_zero = *ALLx'00'
         C* Connect to the requested host
         C                   if        connect(sock: p_connto: addrlen) < 0
         c                   eval      msg = 'unable to connect to server!'
         c                   dsply                   msg
         c                   callp     close(sock)
         c                   return
         c                   endif
         C* Format a request for the file that we'd like
         C* the http server to send us:
         c                   eval      request = 'GET ' + %trim(file) +
         c                               ' HTTP/1.0' + x'0D25' + x'0D25'
         c                   eval      reqlen = %len(%trim(request))
         c                   callp     Translate(reqlen: request: 'QTCPASC')
         c*  Send the request to the http server
         c                   eval      rc = send(sock: %addr(request): reqlen:0)
         c                   if        rc < reqlen
         c                   eval      Msg = 'Unable to send entire request!'
         c                   dsply                   msg
         c                   callp     close(sock)
         c                   return
         c                   endif
         C* Get back the server's response
         c                   dou       rc < 1
         C                   exsr      DsplyLine
         c                   enddo
         C*  We're done, so close the socket.
         C*   do a dsply with input to pause the display
         C*   and then end the program
         c                   callp     close(sock)
         c                   dsply                   pause             1
         c                   return
         C* This subroutine receives one line of text from a server and
         C*  displays it on the screen using the DSPLY op-code
         CSR   DsplyLine     begsr
         C* Receive one line of text from the HTTP server.
         C*  note that "lines of text" vary in length,
         C*  but always end with the ASCII values for CR
         C*  and LF.  CR = x'0D' and LF = x'0A'
         C* The easiest way for us to work with this data
         C* is to receive it one byte at a time until we
         C* get the LF character.   Each time we receive
         C* a byte, we add it to our receive buffer.
         c                   eval      reclen = 0
         c                   eval      recbuf = *blanks
         c                   dou       reclen = 50 or ch = x'0A'
         c                   eval      rc = recv(sock: %addr(ch): 1: 0)
         c                   if        rc < 1
         c                   leave
         c                   endif
         c                   if        ch<>x'0D' and ch<>x'0A'
         c                   eval      reclen = reclen + 1
         c                   eval      %subst(recbuf:reclen:1) = ch
         c                   endif
         c                   enddo
         C* translate the line of text into EBCDIC
         C* (to make it readable) and display it
         c                   if        reclen > 0
         c                   callp     Translate(reclen: recbuf: 'QTCPEBC')
         c                   endif
         c     recbuf        dsply
         Csr                 endsr


Run the program by typing: CALL CLIENTEX1 PARM('ods.ods.net' '/index.html')

(You should be able to use this to retrieve just about any web page)

There are a lot of things that we could improve about this client. We'll discuss these, and start implementing the improvements, in the upcoming sections.