7.9. A "generic server" example

Are you excited about trying another example program? Are you? Are you?

As I mentioned before, this example program differs from the last one, in that it asks for a userid & password, then validates them, them changes it's 'effective user profile' to the user & password that you've signed in as.

Once you're signed in, it asks for a program name, and then it calls that program, passing the socket descriptor and user-id as passwords.

This design is very practical, because by using this server program, you can easily write many different client/server applications without needing to write a separate listener & server instance program for each.

This one involves 3 different programs. The Listener program, which hasn't changed much since our last example -- the only real difference is that the phrase 'SVREX6' has been changed to 'SVREX76' throughout the member. The server instance program, which now validates userid & password, and calls a program. And the 'program to call', for which I provide one sample program.

In the next topic, we'll talk about how to run this program, as well as giving a few samples of what you can do with this server.

So... here it is!

          *** header files for calling service programs & APIs
         D/copy socktut/qrpglesrc,socket_h
         D/copy socktut/qrpglesrc,sockutil_h
         D/copy socktut/qrpglesrc,errno_h
         D/copy socktut/qrpglesrc,jobinfo_h
          *** prototypes for external calls
         D Cmd             PR                  ExtPgm('QCMDEXC')
         D   command                    200A   const
         D   length                      15P 5 const
          *** Prototypes for local subprocedures:
         D die             PR
         D   peMsg                      256A   const
         D NewListener     PR            10I 0
         D   pePort                       5U 0 value
         D   peError                    256A
         D KillEmAll       PR
          *** local variables & constants
         D MAXCLIENTS      C                   CONST(256)
         D PRESTART        C                   CONST(5)
         D svr             S             10I 0
         D cli             S             10I 0
         D msg             S            256A
         D err             S             10I 0
         D calen           S             10I 0
         D clientaddr      S               *
         D jilen           S              5P 0
         D rc              S             10I 0
         D tolen           S             10I 0
         D timeout         S               *
         D readset         S                   like(fdset)
         D excpset         S                   like(fdset)
         c                   eval      *inlr = *on
         C* Clean up any previous instances of the dtaq
         c                   callp(e)  Cmd('DLTDTAQ SOCKTUT/SVREX7DQ': 200)
         c                   callp(e)  Cmd('CRTDTAQ DTAQ(SOCKTUT/SVREX7DQ) ' +
         c                                        ' MAXLEN(80) TEXT(''Data ' +
         c                                        ' queue for SVREX7L'')': 200)
         c                   if        %error
         c                   callp     Die('Unable to create data queue!')
         c                   return
         c                   endif
         C* Start listening for connections on port 4000
         c                   eval      svr = NewListener(4000: msg)
         c                   if        svr < 0
         c                   callp     die(msg)
         c                   return
         c                   endif
         C*  Pre-start some server instances
         c                   do        PRESTART
         c                   callp(e)  Cmd('SBMJOB CMD(CALL PGM(SVREX7I))' +
         c                                       ' JOB(SERVERINST) ' +
         c                                       ' JOBQ(QSYSNOMAX) ' +
         c                                       ' JOBD(QDFTJOBD) ' +
         c                                       ' RTGDTA(QCMDB)': 200)
         c                   if        %error
         c                   callp     close(svr)
         c                   callp     KillEmAll
         c                   callp     Die('Unable to submit a new job to ' +
         c                             'process clients!')
         c                   return
         c                   endif
         c                   enddo
         C* create a space to put client addr struct into
         c                   eval      calen = %size(sockaddr_in)
         c                   alloc     calen         clientaddr
         c                   eval      tolen = %size(timeval)
         c                   alloc     tolen         timeout
         c                   dow       1 = 1
         C* Get a new server instance ready
         c                   callp(e)  Cmd('SBMJOB CMD(CALL PGM(SVREX7I))' +
         c                                       ' JOB(SERVERINST) ' +
         c                                       ' JOBQ(QSYSNOMAX) ' +
         c                                       ' JOBD(QDFTJOBD) ' +
         c                                       ' RTGDTA(QCMDB)': 200)
         c                   if        %error
         c                   callp     close(svr)
         c                   callp     KillEmAll
         c                   callp     Die('Unable to submit a new job to ' +
         c                             'process clients!')
         c                   return
         c                   endif
         C* Check every 30 seconds for a
         C*  system shutdown, until a client
         C*  connects.
         c                   dou       rc > 0
         c                   callp     FD_ZERO(readset)
         c                   callp     FD_ZERO(excpset)
         c                   callp     FD_SET(svr: readset)
         c                   callp     FD_SET(svr: excpset)
         c                   eval      p_timeval = timeout
         c                   eval      tv_sec = 20
         c                   eval      tv_usec = 0
         c                   eval      rc = select(svr+1: %addr(readset):
         c                                     *NULL: %addr(excpset): timeout)
         c                   shtdn                                        99
         c                   if        *in99 = *on
         c                   callp     close(svr)
         c                   callp     KillEmAll
         c                   callp     die('shutdown requested!')
         c                   return
         c                   endif
         c                   enddo
         C* Accept a new client conn
         c                   eval      cli = accept(svr: clientaddr: calen)
         c                   if        cli < 0
         c                   eval      err = errno
         c                   callp     close(svr)
         c                   callp     KillEmAll
         c                   callp     die('accept(): ' + %str(strerror(err)))
         c                   return
         c                   endif
         c                   if        calen <> %size(sockaddr_in)
         c                   callp     close(cli)
         c                   eval      calen = %size(sockaddr_in)
         c                   iter
         c                   endif
         C* get the internal job id of a
         C*  server instance to handle client
         c                   eval      jilen = %size(dsJobInfo)
         c                   callp     RcvDtaQ('SVREX7DQ': 'SOCKTUT': jilen:
         c                                     dsJobInfo: 60)
         c                   if        jilen < 80
         c                   callp     close(cli)
         c                   callp     KillEmAll
         c                   callp     close(svr)
         c                   callp     die('No response from server instance!')
         c                   return
         c                   endif
         C* Pass descriptor to svr instance
         c                   if        givedescriptor(cli: %addr(InternalID))<0
         c                   eval      err = errno
         c                   callp     close(cli)
         c                   callp     KillEmAll
         c                   callp     close(svr)
         c                   callp     Die('givedescriptor(): ' +
         c                                 %str(strerror(err)))
         c                   Return
         c                   endif
         c                   callp     close(cli)
         c                   enddo
          *  This ends any server instances that have been started, but
          *   have not been connected with clients.
         P KillEmAll       B
         D KillEmAll       PI
         c                   dou       jilen < 80
         c                   eval      jilen = %size(dsJobInfo)
         c                   callp     RcvDtaQ('SVREX7DQ': 'SOCKTUT': jilen:
         c                                     dsJobInfo: 1)
         c                   if        jilen >= 80
         c                   callp(E)  Cmd('ENDJOB JOB(' + %trim(JobNbr) +
         c                                  '/' + %trim(JobUser) + '/' +
         c                                  %trim(jobName) + ') OPTION(*IMMED)'+
         c                                  ' LOGLMT(0)': 200)
         C                   endif
         c                   enddo
         P                 E
          *  Create a new TCP socket that's listening to a port
          *       parms:
          *         pePort = port to listen to
          *        peError = Error message (returned)
          *    returns: socket descriptor upon success, or -1 upon error
         P NewListener     B
         D NewListener     PI            10I 0
         D   pePort                       5U 0 value
         D   peError                    256A
         D sock            S             10I 0
         D len             S             10I 0
         D bindto          S               *
         D on              S             10I 0 inz(1)
         D linglen         S             10I 0
         D ling            S               *
         C*** Create a socket
         c                   eval      sock = socket(AF_INET:SOCK_STREAM:
         c                                           IPPROTO_IP)
         c                   if        sock < 0
         c                   eval      peError = %str(strerror(errno))
         c                   return    -1
         c                   endif
         C*** Tell socket that we want to be able to re-use the server
         C***  port without waiting for the MSL timeout:
         c                   callp     setsockopt(sock: SOL_SOCKET:
         c                                SO_REUSEADDR: %addr(on): %size(on))
         C*** create space for a linger structure
         c                   eval      linglen = %size(linger)
         c                   alloc     linglen       ling
         c                   eval      p_linger = ling
         C*** tell socket to only linger for 2 minutes, then discard:
         c                   eval      l_onoff = 1
         c                   eval      l_linger = 120
         c                   callp     setsockopt(sock: SOL_SOCKET: SO_LINGER:
         c                                ling: linglen)
         C*** free up resources used by linger structure
         c                   dealloc(E)              ling
         C*** Create a sockaddr_in structure
         c                   eval      len = %size(sockaddr_in)
         c                   alloc     len           bindto
         c                   eval      p_sockaddr = bindto
         c                   eval      sin_family = AF_INET
         c                   eval      sin_addr = INADDR_ANY
         c                   eval      sin_port = pePort
         c                   eval      sin_zero = *ALLx'00'
         C*** Bind socket to port
         c                   if        bind(sock: bindto: len) < 0
         c                   eval      peError = %str(strerror(errno))
         c                   callp     close(sock)
         c                   dealloc(E)              bindto
         c                   return    -1
         c                   endif
         C*** Listen for a connection
         c                   if        listen(sock: MAXCLIENTS) < 0
         c                   eval      peError = %str(strerror(errno))
         c                   callp     close(sock)
         c                   dealloc(E)              bindto
         c                   return    -1
         c                   endif
         C*** Return newly set-up socket:
         c                   dealloc(E)              bindto
         c                   return    sock
         P                 E
          *  This ends this program abnormally, and sends back an escape.
          *   message explaining the failure.
         P die             B
         D die             PI
         D   peMsg                      256A   const
         D SndPgmMsg       PR                  ExtPgm('QMHSNDPM')
         D   MessageID                    7A   Const
         D   QualMsgF                    20A   Const
         D   MsgData                    256A   Const
         D   MsgDtaLen                   10I 0 Const
         D   MsgType                     10A   Const
         D   CallStkEnt                  10A   Const
         D   CallStkCnt                  10I 0 Const
         D   MessageKey                   4A
         D   ErrorCode                32766A   options(*varsize)
         D dsEC            DS
         D  dsECBytesP             1      4I 0 INZ(256)
         D  dsECBytesA             5      8I 0 INZ(0)
         D  dsECMsgID              9     15
         D  dsECReserv            16     16
         D  dsECMsgDta            17    256
         D wwMsgLen        S             10I 0
         D wwTheKey        S              4A
         c                   eval      wwMsgLen = %len(%trimr(peMsg))
         c                   if        wwMsgLen<1
         c                   return
         c                   endif
         c                   callp     SndPgmMsg('CPF9897': 'QCPFMSG   *LIBL':
         c                               peMsg: wwMsgLen: '*ESCAPE':
         c                               '*PGMBDY': 1: wwTheKey: dsEC)
         c                   return
         P                 E
          /define ERRNO_LOAD_PROCEDURE
          /copy socktut/qrpglesrc,errno_h
          *** header files for calling service programs & APIs
         D/copy socktut/qrpglesrc,socket_h
         D/copy socktut/qrpglesrc,sockutil_h
         D/copy socktut/qrpglesrc,errno_h
         D/copy socktut/qrpglesrc,jobinfo_h
          *** Prototypes for local subprocedures:
         D die             PR
         D   peMsg                      256A   const
         D GetClient       PR            10I 0
         D SignIn          PR            10I 0
         D   sock                        10I 0 value
         D   userid                      10A
         D cli             S             10I 0
         D rc              S             10I 0
         D usrprf          S             10A
         D pgmname         S             21A
         D lower           C                   'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
         D upper           C                   'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
         c                   eval      *inlr = *on
         C* Get socket descriptor from 'listener' program
         c                   eval      cli = GetClient
         c                   if        cli < 0
         c                   callp     Die('Failure retrieving client socket '+
         c                              'descriptor.')
         c                   return
         c                   endif
         C* Ask user to sign in, and set user profile.
         c                   eval      rc = SignIn(cli: usrprf)
         c                   select
         c                   when      rc < 0
         c                   callp     Die('Client disconnected during sign-in')
         c                   callp     close(cli)
         c                   return
         c                   when      rc = 0
         c                   callp     Die('Authorization failure!')
         c                   callp     close(cli)
         c                   return
         c                   endsl
         C*  Ask for the program to be called
         c                   callp     WrLine(cli: '102 Please enter the ' +
         c                               'program you''d like to call')
         c                   if        RdLine(cli: %addr(pgmname): 21: *On) < 0
         c                   callp     Die('Error calling RdLine()')
         c                   callp     close(cli)
         c                   return
         c                   endif
         c     lower:upper   xlate     pgmname       pgmname
         C* Call the program, passing the socket desc & profile
         C*   as the parameters.
         c                   call(e)   PgmName
         c                   parm                    cli
         c                   parm                    usrprf
         c                   if        not %error
         c                   callp     WrLine(cli: '103 Call succeeded.')
         c                   else
         c                   callp     WrLine(cli: '902 Call failed.')
         c                   endif
         C* End.
         c                   callp     close(cli)
         c                   return
          *  Sign a user-id into the system
         P SignIn          B
         D SignIn          PI            10I 0
         D   sock                        10I 0 value
         D   userid                      10A
         D passwd          S             10A
         D handle          S             12A
         c                   dou       userid <> *blanks
         c                   callp     WrLine(sock: '100 Please enter your ' +
         c                               'user-id now!')
         c                   if        RdLine(sock: %addr(userid): 10: *On) < 0
         c                   return    -1
         c                   endif
         c     lower:upper   xlate     userid        userid
         c                   callp     WrLine(sock: '101 Please enter your ' +
         c                               'password now!')
         c                   if        RdLine(sock: %addr(passwd): 10: *On) < 0
         c                   return    -1
         c                   endif
         c     lower:upper   xlate     passwd        passwd
         c                   callp     GetProfile(userid: passwd: handle: dsEC)
         c                   if        dsECBytesA > 0
         c                   callp     WrLine(sock: '900 Incorrect userid ' +
         c                               'or password! ('+%trim(dsECMsgID)+')')
         c                   eval      userid = *blanks
         c                   endif
         c                   enddo
         c                   callp     SetProfile(handle: dsEC)
         c                   if        dsECBytesA > 0
         c                   callp     WrLine(sock: '901 Unable to set ' +
         c                             'profile!  ('+%trim(dsECMsgID)+')')
         c                   return    0
         c                   endif
         c                   return    1
         P                 E
          *  Get the new client from the listener application
         P GetClient       B
         D GetClient       PI            10I 0
         D jilen           S              5P 0
         D sock            S             10I 0
         c                   callp     RtvJobInf(dsJobI0100: %size(dsJobI0100):
         c                               'JOBI0100': '*': *BLANKS: dsEC)
         c                   if        dsECBytesA > 0
         c                   return    -1
         c                   endif
         c                   eval      JobName = JobI_JobName
         c                   eval      JobUser = JobI_UserID
         c                   eval      JobNbr = JobI_JobNbr
         c                   eval      InternalID = JobI_IntJob
         c                   eval      jilen = %size(dsJobInfo)
         c                   callp     SndDtaq('SVREX7DQ': 'SOCKTUT': jilen:
         c                                dsJobInfo)
         c                   eval      sock = TakeDescriptor(*NULL)
         c                   return    sock
         P                 E
          *  This ends this program abnormally, and sends back an escape.
          *   message explaining the failure.
         P die             B
         D die             PI
         D   peMsg                      256A   const
         D SndPgmMsg       PR                  ExtPgm('QMHSNDPM')
         D   MessageID                    7A   Const
         D   QualMsgF                    20A   Const
         D   MsgData                    256A   Const
         D   MsgDtaLen                   10I 0 Const
         D   MsgType                     10A   Const
         D   CallStkEnt                  10A   Const
         D   CallStkCnt                  10I 0 Const
         D   MessageKey                   4A
         D   ErrorCode                32766A   options(*varsize)
         D dsEC            DS
         D  dsECBytesP             1      4I 0 INZ(256)
         D  dsECBytesA             5      8I 0 INZ(0)
         D  dsECMsgID              9     15
         D  dsECReserv            16     16
         D  dsECMsgDta            17    256
         D wwMsgLen        S             10I 0
         D wwTheKey        S              4A
         c                   eval      wwMsgLen = %len(%trimr(peMsg))
         c                   if        wwMsgLen<1
         c                   return
         c                   endif
         c                   callp     SndPgmMsg('CPF9897': 'QCPFMSG   *LIBL':
         c                               peMsg: wwMsgLen: '*ESCAPE':
         c                               '*PGMBDY': 1: wwTheKey: dsEC)
         c                   return
         P                 E
          /define ERRNO_LOAD_PROCEDURE
          /copy socktut/qrpglesrc,errno_h
          *** header files for calling service programs & APIs
         D/copy socktut/qrpglesrc,socket_h
         D/copy socktut/qrpglesrc,sockutil_h
         D sock            S             10I 0
         D user            S             10A
         c     *entry        plist
         c                   parm                    sock
         c                   parm                    user
         c                   callp     WrLine(sock: 'Hello ' + %trim(user))
         c                   callp     WrLine(sock: 'Goodbye ' + %trim(user))
         c                   eval      *inlr = *on