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POST to an asp

Sender: michaelr_41@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hi folks -

I have to POST some stuff to an IIS server using .asp's. When I access
the .asp through a little HTML form, it echoes back what I sent it. When
I use the http_url_post_raw API, I can see that I make the connection,
but it times out on the receive with this message (from the debug file):

SetError() #13: HTTP/1.1 200 OK                    
recvdoc parms: identity 0                          
recvdoc(): entered                                 
SetError() #0:                                     
SetError() #42: recvdoc: Timed out waiting for data
http_close(): entered                              

Here's the code:

Data = %Trim(Data) + %Trim(WorkBuffer) + CRLF;         
rc = http_url_post_raw('http://www.xxxx.com/xxxxxx/' + 
                    10: %paddr('INCOMING'));           

Should I be using a different API?


- Michael

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