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Re: HTTPAPI problem

Sender: Scott Klement <sk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Isn't this the same problem you had a month ago?   You're sending the data
with POST, when the vendor expects it to be GET?

From an HTTP perspective, it seems to be working properly.  It's sending a
request, getting a "200 OK" response, and receiving back the response.
The web server is telling you that the response is supposed to be 0 bytes
long, and HTTPAPI is receiving nothing.

The fact that you're not getting any data back is due to the fact that the
web service isn't sending any data back.  And THAT, in turn, is probably
because it doesn't understand your request.  Though, if I had written that
web service, I would've sent back an error message instead of just sending
back nothing...

Scott Klement  http://www.scottklement.com

On Thu, 10 Jun 2004 michaelr_41@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> Sender: michaelr_41@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Could someone take a look at this and see what I'm doing wrong? I'm using
> this code:
> rc = http_url_post_raw('http://www.twcs.com/artvan/sample4.asp'
>                        : %addr(Data)
>                        : %len(%trimr(Data))
>                        : 1
>                        : %paddr('INCOMING'));
> I know I'm connecting, because I get this in the debug file:
> recvresp(): entered
> recvresp(): tv_sec = 0000000060 tv_usec = 0000000000
> HTTP/1.1 200 OK
> Server: Microsoft-IIS/5.0
> Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 19:57:32 GMT
> Connection: close
> Content-Length: 0
> Content-Type: text/html
> Cache-control: private
> Looks like it's setting a cookie - could that be my problem?
> Here's the next part of the debug file:
> SetError() #13: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
> recvdoc parms: identity 0
> recvdoc(): entered
> SetError() #0:
> SetError() #0:
> http_close(): entered
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