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IBM 390 call to iSeries

Sender: "Jere Jackson" <jjackson@xxxxxxxxx>

I have an opportunity to make our iSeries staff better that is already
does now. We have been instructed to convert some of applications to the
mainframe by our board of directors. Thanks to the help of this message
board I have been able to send request to the mainframe and ret the
answer back. The next hurtle is having the mainframe ask us for
information. So far no one on the mainframe side has any idea of how to
do this. 

My question to the group is how do I make the mainframe send a request
to the iSeries and how do I look for the request. What kind of program
do I need on my side to get their request and respond back. I am very
new to these APIs and how they function of the iSeries.

Any help will be greatly appreciated. Due to my lack on knowledge in
this area I need examples also. 

Jere Jackson
System Analyst
Ducks Unlimited, Inc
One Waterfowl Way
Memphis, TN 38120-2351
Phone (901) 758-3895
Fax (901) 758-3850

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