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Re: httpS ...almost there (fwd)

Sender: Scott Klement <sk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

It would appear that you've compiled HTTPAPI without SSL support.  The
only difference between https and http is that the former uses SSL to
encrypt the transactions.

Therefore, the https functions (https_init, https_dcm_reg) are not
available when you don't have SSL support compiled in.

On Tue, 5 Oct 2004, Scott Klement wrote:
> Scott,
> I have emailed you before to let you know what a big help you've been.  I am trying to use the HTTPAPI for https and I'm having compile problems...the same problems that I have when trying to compile EXAMPLE5.
> https_init and
> https_dcm_reg
> aren't defined...but EVERYTHING else is identified perfectly.  I experimented with that first line in CONFIG_H, but that made it worse.
> I signed up (or tried) for the related listserve, but wanted to just ask you straight out while I'm waiting on that process.
> Any help is greatly appreciated,
> Chris Roberts
> 972-550-5003
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