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upgrading my LIBHTTP... symbol exports

   I am having trouble getting my LIBHTTP upgraded...

   I have placed the EXPAT and HTTPAPI *SRVPGM's in a new library,

   I am starting re-compiling my modules, and programs, and am getting a

   Definition supplied multiple times for symbol...

   I have "one big ole binding directory"...  to do this upgrade, do I
   need to reference a new binding directory,

   With just the new stuff?

   I tried to order my new modules just before each of the old modules,
   but I still get the CPD5D03 error...

   I have found that this symptom effects all programs that use the
   binding directory (all of them fail to compile due

   To the CPD5D03 error)...

   I am sure this problem is because how I implemented the API, but I
   don't know how to move forward.

   Any ideas would be greatly appreciated...
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