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RE: xml-sax issue

   Could the problem be something like the following scenario. If not my
   apologizes for not understanding the question.
   xml = %trim(%subst(GetResponse: 3: 5000));
   When you have a varying field, the field contains 2 extra invisible
   positions, contain the length of the data.
   D Data1 s 20a
   D Data2 s 20a
   D Data3 s 20a
   D ds
   D GetResponse 20a varying inz('<MMMProcess>')
   D InvisLen 2a overlay(GetResponse: 1)
   D Value 20a overlay(GetResponse: 3)
   Data1 = Value;
   Data2 = %subst(GetResponse: 1)
   Data3 = %subst(GetResponse: 3)
   Data1 contains "<MMMProcess>"
   Data2 contains "<MMMProcess>"
   Data3 contains "MMProcess>"
   With %subst your start with position 1, if you are using a data
   you start with position 3.
   ----> I'm getting a weird character �MMMProcess>
   Yes, GetResponse would have a weird first two position if you are
   the first two invisible fields.
   -----Original Message-----
   From: Paul Roy [mailto:paul.roy@xxxxxxx]
   Sent: Tuesday, September 08, 2015 3:02 PM
   To: HTTPAPI and FTPAPI Projects
   Subject: Re: xml-sax issue
   that's looks like a problem of a variable length string not correctly
   mismatch in a definition of a program/procedure ?
   From: "RPG List" <rpglist@xxxxxxxxxxx>
   To: "HTTPAPI and FTPAPI Projects" <ftpapi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
   Date: 08/09/2015 19:42
   Subject: Re: xml-sax issue
   Sent by: [1]ftpapi-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
   I don't recall off the top of my head. He tried sending it as UTF-16
   its defaulting to 8 so I'm not sure if that's the problem or not.
   I recompiled the srvpgm and stubs and created the sample program, in
   when I check the xml value immediately following the web service call
   getting a weird character �MMMProcess>
   and it is starting in position 2. I don't recall seeing this before.
   > XML-INTO is usually a lot less work than XML-SAX unless you only want
   > a small portion of the data. From what you posted earlier it didn?t
   > look that complex - what problems did you encounter with XML-INTO?
   > On Sep 8, 2015, at 2:21 PM, RPG List <rpglist@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
   >> Scott the 3:5000 is a typo, that should be a 1.
   >> I am using XML-SAX because I wasn't able to get XML-INTO to work.
   >> However, I found out this morning that the XML is coming in as
   >> I asked him to change that to 16 for a test, since I recall reading
   >> that RPG does not like 8.
   >> I'm open to suggestions to make this learning curve easier
   >>> Dutch,
   >>> You are doing this:
   >>> xml = %trim(%subSt(GetResponse:3:5000));
   >>> Can you explain why you are doing that %subst? Wouldn't that cause
   >>> '<M' at the start of the XML document to be chopped off, making
   >>> invalid document?
   >>> The %trim() is not necessary, but shouldn't hurt anything.
   >>> Can you explain why you want to use XML-SAX here instead of
   >>> the XML parser included with HTTPAPI? (Which is a wrapper around
   >>> Expat)
   >>> On 9/4/2015 4:34 PM, RPG List wrote:
   >>>> Scott,
   >>>> I'm not sure we don't have another problem. Here's why when I step
   >>>> through the xmlhandler, I get the start_document on the first
   >>>> and then I get end_document on the second read. That's it. Its
   >>>> almost
   >>>> though its never seeing the data further. I ran a test using the
   >>>> following:
   >>>> XML = '<xmlTest>+
   >>>> <name type="author">AS400 Sample Code/name>+
   >>>> </xmlTest>';
   >>>> that worked.
   >>>> Here is what the xml document looks like coming in:
   >>>> '<MMMProcess><Results><Claim>8104550</Claim><Amount>1995.83</'
   >>>> 'Amount><Code>7320</Code><Xrg>53</Xrg><MEANLOS2>2</MEAN'
   >>>> 'LOS2><Error_Code>0</Error_Code></Results></MMMProcess>'
   >>>> I just can't find what's wrong with the xml..
   >>>>> Dutch,
   >>>>> The XML processing instructions ("header" as you call it) are
   >>>>> optional.
   >>>>> They are not required.
   >>>>> The problem is what I said in my first reply to you. Please read
   >>>>> article I linked to so you can learn how XML-SAX works.
   >>>>> -SK
   >>>>> On 9/4/2015 3:18 PM, RPG List wrote:
   >>>>>> one additional issue I saw this morning Scott and maybe this is
   >>>>>> the problem, the incoming XML does not have what I would call a
   >>>>>> header:
   >>>>>> IE: it does not have a version or description that I see in most
   >>>>>> documents, maybe that's needed or maybe not?
   >>>>>>> Dutch,
   >>>>>>> This looks an awful lot like a program that I wrote a long time
   >>>>>>> to
   >>>>>>> print the XML events. I would not recommend using this to
   >>>>>>> parse a document -- to parse with XML-SAX you're going to need
   >>>>>>> to create a stack of XML elements (implemented in RPG as an
   >>>>>>> array, most
   >>>>>>> likely)
   >>>>>>> and keep track of the current XML element you're working on,
   >>>>>>> There
   >>>>>>> was another program included in that same article called
   >>>>>>> that
   >>>>>>> demonstrates this -- that program would be a better starting
   >>>>>>> de
   >>>>>>> (use the "print" option to format the code better, Penton media
   >>>>>>> screwed up the code figures in their article archive)
   >>>>>>> Based on what you've shown us, the only thing you'd get in your
   >>>>>>> string is the name of the XML tag you're parsing. (Since that's
   >>>>>>> what's pointed to by "string" during the XML_START_ELEMENT
   >>>>>>> event.)
   >>>>>>> You say you're getting nothing at all...? Since you're getting
   >>>>>>> it from the 'value' field, you'd need to show us the definition
   >>>>>>> and/or
   >>>>>>> that
   >>>>>>> populates 'value' for us to see how that works. Funny that you
   >>>>>>> omitted that part of the code considering that your question is
   >>>>>>> about it?
   >>>>>>> Also, is this part of a program that uses HTTPAPI or FTPAPI? If
   >>>>>>> so, I
   >>>>>>> guess we can discuss it here... if not, however, this really
   >>>>>>> doesn't
   >>>>>>> belong on this mailing list.
   >>>>>>> -SK
   >>>>>>> On 9/3/2015 9:17 PM, RPG List wrote:
   >>>>>>>> I am attempting to parse out the data I'm getting from a web
   >>>>>>>> service and I'm having a little trouble.
   >>>>>>>> I'm using the following as my to the handler:
   >>>>>>>> xml = %trim(%subSt(GetResponse:3:5000));
   >>>>>>>> xml-sax %handler(xmlHandler: ignoreMe)
   >>>>>>>> %XML(xml: 'doc=string');
   >>>>>>>> GetResponse has the full xml string I'm expecting.
   >>>>>>>> my xmlhandler is defined as follows:
   >>>>>>>> P xmlHandler b
   >>>>>>>> D pi 10i 0
   >>>>>>>> D ignore 1a
   >>>>>>>> D event 10i 0 value
   >>>>>>>> D string * value
   >>>>>>>> D stringLen 20i 0 value
   >>>>>>>> D exceptionId 10i 0 value
   >>>>>>>> I then have the following code in the procedure:
   >>>>>>>> OutputXML.name = XML_Event_Name(event); OutputXML.data =
   >>>>>>>> *blanks;
   >>>>>>>> select;
   >>>>>>>> when string=*null or stringlen<1;
   >>>>>>>> // no string given...
   >>>>>>>> when stringlen>%size(value);
   >>>>>>>> OutputXML.data = '** string length invalid'; other;
   >>>>>>>> OutputXML.data = %subst(value:1:stringlen); endsl;
   >>>>>>>> // Change Current XML group if applicable Select;
   >>>>>>>> When OutputXML.name = 'XML_START_ELEMENT';
   >>>>>>>> The problem is outputXML.data never has a value that I can
   >>>>>>>> Am
   >>>>>>>> I
   >>>>>>>> doing something wrong or am I missing a step?
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   > Jon Paris
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