Decoding Base64 data does not return the original string value

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Decoding Base64 data does not return the original string value

Post by Roldao »

What I'm supposed to do is read a base64 encoded value


from a field in a database file and decode it to obtain the original JSON statement

Code: Select all

I tested it in an online converter and it worked perfectly.

The result is quite different when I try to decode it in my RPG ILE program. I thought: if I encode the original JSON statement and then decode the result i should get the JSON statement again. Well, it doesn't! Why?

I tried treating the data as binary. The base64 encoding is very different from the previous one but when I decode it I get the original JSON statement.
What am I doing wrong?
Here follows the program code. It was compiled for Version 7.3. Thank you for your attention.

Code: Select all


DCL-S sCode char(512) inz;
DCL-S uCode uns(10) inz;
DCL-S sDcode char(255) inz;
DCL-S uDcode uns(10) inz;
DCL-S uLen uns(10) inz;

DCL-S sVar char(512) inz;

DCL-S sJSON char(255) inz('{"source":"CCDV","traceid":"3b3c1d6ce56cd1e0d 58e408466aedea7"}');

DCL-PR API_APR_Code64 INT(10) EXTPROC('apr_base64_encode');
xsCode64 char(65535) options(*VARSIZE);
xpOriginal pointer value options(*STRING);
xnCode64 int(10) value;

DCL-PR API_APR_Decode64 INT(10) EXTPROC('apr_base64_decode');
xsPlainText char(65535) options(*VARSIZE);
xpCode64 pointer value options(*STRING);

DCL-PR API_APR_Code64Binary INT(10) EXTPROC('apr_base64_encode_binary');
xsCode64 char(65535) options(*VARSIZE);
xpOriginal pointer value options(*STRING);
xnCode64 int(10) value;

DCL-PR API_APR_Decode64Binary INT(10) EXTPROC('apr_base64_decode_binary');
xsPlainText char(65535) options(*VARSIZE);
xpCode64 pointer value options(*STRING);

sVar = sJSON;
uLen = %LEN(%TRIMR(sJSON));

uCode = API_APR_Code64(sCode : %subst(sVar : 1 : uLen) : uLen) - 1;

// sDcode = #?Ë?ÍÊÄÁ???ääàî???ÈÊ/ÄÁÑÀ????Â?Ä?À?ÄÁ??ÄÀ?Á?À??Á??????/ÁÀÁ/??'
uDcode = API_APR_Decode64(sDcode : %subst(sCode : 1 : uCode));

sVar = sJSON;
uLen = %LEN(%TRIMR(sJSON));

// sCode = wH+ilqSZg4V/en/Dw8Tlf2t/o5mBg4WJhH96f/OC84PxhPaDhfX2g4TxhfCE9fiF9PD49Pb2gYWEhYH3f9A
uCode = API_APR_Code64Binary(sCode : %subst(sVar : 1 : uLen) : uLen) - 1;

// sDcode = {"source":"CCDV","traceid":"3b3c1d6ce56cd1e0d58e40 8466aedea7"}
uDcode = API_APR_Decode64Binary(sDcode : %subst(sCode : 1 : uCode));

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Re: Decoding Base64 data does not return the original string value

Post by jonboy49 »

Difficult to know what you did wrong because you didn't include the code for your custom encode/decode routines!

This works though using Scott's original code from his site.

Code: Select all

Ctl-Opt DftActGrp(*No)  BndDir('BASE64V11/BASE64');

/copy base64v11/qrpglesrc,base64_h

DCL-S Encoded     char(510) inz;
DCL-S EncodedLen  uns(10) inz;

DCL-S Decoded     char(255) inz;
DCL-S Decodedlen  uns(10) inz;

DCL-S sJSON varchar(255) inz('{"source":"CCDV","traceid":"3b3c1d6ce56cd1e0d 58e408466aedea7"}');

Dsply (' JSON string is ' + %Char(%Len(sJSON)) + ' long');

EncodedLen = base64_encode( %Addr( sJSON: *Data) : %Len(sJSON)
                          : %Addr( Encoded ) : %Len(Encoded) );

DecodedLen = base64_decode( %Addr( Encoded ) : EncodedLen
                           : %Addr( Decoded ) : %Len(Decoded) );

Dsply ('EncodedLen = ' + %char(EncodedLen) + ' - DecodedLen = ' + %char(DecodedLen));

If sJSON = Decoded;
   Dsply 'That worked out fine';
   Dsply 'Hmmm -problem - mismatch';
Hopefully you'll be able to see what you did wrong.

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Scott Klement
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Re: Decoding Base64 data does not return the original string value

Post by Scott Klement »


He's using the Apache Portable Runtime (APR) routines that are provided with the operating system. Here is the documentation from Apache: ... ase64.html

IBM provides these routines in the service program QSYSDIR/QAXIS10HT which is installed with 5770-SS1 option 3 (Extended Base Directory Support).
Scott Klement
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Re: Decoding Base64 data does not return the original string value

Post by Scott Klement »


I'm certainly no expert on the APR routines. However, I know that when you call apr_base64_encode, it does not treat your data as binary. It converts it from EBCDIC to what the APR considers "plain text". I'm not 100% sure what that is... but it's either some flavor of ASCII or UTF-8. (I hope it is UTF-8!) Once it has converted it, only then does it base64 encode it. So what you will have is not encoded EBCDIC, it's encoded UTF-8.

When you decode it, it doesn't know that it was originally EBCDIC. All it knows is what it currently is -- so it decodes it to UTF-8 rather than EBCDIC.

Since RPG supports UTF-8 natively, I would recommend that you use that to convert the data back to EBCDIC. For example:

Code: Select all

DCL-S sCode char(512) inz;
DCL-S uCode uns(10) inz;
DCL-S sDcode_utf8 char(255) inz ccsid(*utf8);
DCL-S sDcode char(255) inz;
DCL-S uDcode uns(10) inz;
DCL-S uLen uns(10) inz;

DCL-S sVar char(512) inz;

DCL-S sJSON char(255) inz('{"source":"CCDV","traceid":"3b3c1d6ce56cd1e0d 58e408466aedea7"}');

DCL-PR API_APR_Code64 INT(10) EXTPROC('apr_base64_encode');
xsCode64 char(65535) options(*VARSIZE);
xpOriginal pointer value options(*STRING);
xnCode64 int(10) value;

DCL-PR API_APR_Decode64Binary INT(10) EXTPROC('apr_base64_decode_binary');
xsPlainText char(65535) options(*VARSIZE) ccsid(*utf8);
xpCode64 pointer value options(*STRING);

sVar = sJSON;
uLen = %LEN(%TRIMR(sJSON));

uCode = API_APR_Code64(sCode : %subst(sVar : 1 : uLen) : uLen) - 1;

// sDcode = {"source":"CCDV","traceid":"3b3c1d6ce56cd1e0d58e40 8466aedea7"}
uDcode = API_APR_Decode64Binary(sDcode_utf8 : %subst(sCode : 1 : uCode));
sdCode = %subst(sDcode_utf8:1:uDcode);

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Re: Decoding Base64 data does not return the original string value

Post by jonboy49 »

Scott Klement wrote: Tue May 17, 2022 7:18 am Jon,

He's using the Apache Portable Runtime …
Thanks Scott - that’ll teach me assume that on your forums people only ask about your routines!

I’d not heard of the APR ones.
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Re: Decoding Base64 data does not return the original string value

Post by Roldao »

First of all, thank you very much for your replies.
Your code is a solution to my problem, Scott. I noticed you decoded the base64 string as binary data. I tried it invoking the non-binary procedure API_APR_Decode64 and it worked as well. Is there any advantage in decoding it as binary over this last alternative?

One more question if you please: how would I code this for version 7.1 which doesn't allow the keyword CCSID in the definition of character variables?
Scott Klement
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Re: Decoding Base64 data does not return the original string value

Post by Scott Klement »

Roldao wrote: Wed May 18, 2022 10:52 am Your code is a solution to my problem, Scott. I noticed you decoded the base64 string as binary data. I tried it invoking the non-binary procedure API_APR_Decode64 and it worked as well. Is there any advantage in decoding it as binary over this last alternative?
Personally, I find it less confusing to use binary mode because I can see clearly both of the steps (1) decoding and (2) converting from UTF-8 to EBCDIC.
Roldao wrote: Wed May 18, 2022 10:52 am One more question if you please: how would I code this for version 7.1 which doesn't allow the keyword CCSID in the definition of character variables?
You could use an IBM API such as iconv() to translate to/from UTF-8.

But... keep in mind that 7.1 is no longer supported, so anyone still using that is putting their business at risk. (Also, 7.2 is also no longer supported -- so anyone still running 7.1 is VERY much beyond support.)
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