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parse error: premature EOF

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2022 11:23 am
by gio.cot
we have a json variable with length more than 65535 (this json variable is the response of a web service !) ; when we try to run "docNode = yajl_buf_load_tree(%addr(json:*data) :%len(%trimr(json)):errMsg ); " in the docNode we find *NULL . The problem is the variable length ? how we can solve this problem ?
Thanks in advance

Json Example
P.S. is not important to import the encoded data
"order_nbr": "XXXXX-",
"delivery_booked": true,
"items": [
"item_number": "1",
"my_ord_id": "1074",
"tracking_url": "xxxxx"
"waybills": [
"from_code": "307",
"encoded": "JVBERi0xLjUKJeLjz9MKMyAwIG9iago8PC9TdWJ0eXBlL0Zvcm0vRmlsdGVyL0ZsYXRlRGVjb2RlL1R5cGUvWE9iamVjdC9NYXRyaXggWzEgMCAwIDEgMCAwXS9Gb3JtVHlwZSAxL1Jlc291cmNlczw8L1Byb2NTZXQgWy9QREYgL1RleHQgL0ltYWdlQiAvSW1hZ2VDIC9JbWFnZUldPj4vQkJveFswIDAgMTg5IDE4OV0vTGVuZ3RoIDI3NDg+PnN0cmVhbQp4nL1aQa4lORHcv1P8I7iqXK7yFZBYsGKB2CFAaIw0bLg+zsyIyHyIBRISak1ntCvy93Nk2L9/TP36aT/HO3/Wru3nl49hVvvvl89fP7///P1z/Pzzc/78ZrP+9jnaz28/f/hj+/nT59f963/8Av9d+//pryEr18ls+P2bbb/+8Re1sckq6d9tf8baEmfX5wgOq6+Du9eWOLuOMzisvg7uXlvi7HpfwWH1dXD32hJn196Dw+rr4O61Jc6u1x0cVl8Hd68tcXY9R3BYfR3c4wnurs5tb3BYfT24M+Sdoe4MUVlS2jfUekOsJzRCeVOpEZsfsfc7towycuN37PuObffYLcqde+6x5R47vmKjKD23u1cWn8+f8/HnKL4YtDNEOaEJpHiTTRPBQyFICJFcqBaiOaWamIJN2V1uT1eqFrZP10g+RgPnKHOeZb4T8zWSD9JAe8ukZ5lwrK0kbcBhz9IT3NmCOuMMc94os4nofiBh1+dMY8x0xAxHbIJPf1fMHEWemD+QC2I1STslKsRcnz2tEM9Bq/JKcDb4MTeen2cDfljtkYCOOlZX8gzc+OgJdN6xupJnwI+tPRLQoceIo8FHasBnrKHLBmzwARrPJ7XBnGWQmizoExJNKMRZqhZ5fN7k7MpxsmriMUHnDmzz7mWinDC4HVvs2OGFfbH2sj0/vuTsesLTrDrCsbbE8elz5qWHe8PWgtnSV3CZ0eCk9dl/SfjGQavektvY4JYynvvGgKwiIEthdSXPgKwiIEthdS ......... (continued for 120000 chars )

Re: parse error: premature EOF

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2022 5:22 pm
by jonboy49
Your third parm makes no sense. If you are using %addr(json:*data) as the second parm then the third should be %len(json) - no need for a trim.

Don't know why it would affect anything though.

Re: parse error: premature EOF

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2022 7:51 am
by gio.cot
Hi jonboy49

i tried also with this :
docNode = yajl_buf_load_tree(%addr(json:*data) :%len(json):errMsg );
but i have the same problem

Re: parse error: premature EOF

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2022 7:58 pm
by jonboy49
How is the variable json defined? How is it populated? You're giving us very little to work with.

Re: parse error: premature EOF

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2022 9:17 pm
by gio.cot
Hi jonboy49

Attached the json file that we receive as response, invoking a courier web service
let me know if you need more information.
Thanks in advance

Re: parse error: premature EOF

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2022 7:50 am
by jonboy49
I still need what I asked for. How is the variable defined and how is it populated?

P.S. The file you sent is either corrupt or encrypted - it looks nothing like the data you posted earlier.

Re: parse error: premature EOF

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2022 7:43 am
by Scott Klement
I tried your JSON document with yajl_buf_load_tree, and it worked perfectly for me.

Something is wrong with your code that reads or the json and feeds it into yajl. Since we have no idea how your code works, we can't begin to help you. Provide a complete program that reproduces the problem so we can try it ourselves.