Good evening everyone, through a web service I receive a pdf file encoded in base 64. I upload it to the IFS and I would like to use the "decode 64 stmf" procedure, posted by Scott in some previous posts.
The ifs file as I created it was tested on "" and the pdf was output correctly.
Instead, from RPG using the "b64_decode_stmf" procedure, the error "Unable to decode character at position 288713 (char=x'25) is returned.
The ifs (base64) file ccsid is 1208.
Thanks for the support.
Decode bas64 ifs file
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- Joined: Sun Jul 04, 2021 5:12 am
Re: Decode bas64 ifs file
Char x'25' is the linefeed character in EBCDIC. But, you told us that your data is in UTF-8 (CCSID 1208). Something isn't right, here...