Java Exception on Procedure SS_OPEN

Scott Klement's open source interface to the POI HSSF/XSSF Spreadsheet Project for RPG Programmers.
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Java Exception on Procedure SS_OPEN

Post by wdwisser »

Hello all.. I have an interesting issue, I think.

I am receiving the following message "RPG procedure SS_OPEN in program POI36/HSSFR4 received Java exception "java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to find a matching shared formula record" when calling method "create" with signature ";);" in class "".

The file I am trying to open is in the IFS in the specified folder and named exactly what is trying to be opened. I'm not sure what this all means and I could not find anything of substance on the ole internet. Any help would be appreciated.


Code: Select all

      *  Demonstration of using POI to create a complex Excel workbook
      *  To compile:
      *      Make sure you've already created HSSFR4. See the instructions
      *      on that source member for details.

     FWMIPBFG10 IF   E           K DISK
     F                                     Rename(WMIPBFG10:WMIPBFG)

      /Copy POI36/QRpgLESrc,hssf_h

     D IFSDIR          C                   '/tmp'

     D TESTEXCEL4      PR                  ExtPgm('TESTEXCEL4')
     D   peXSSF                       1n   const options(*nopass)
     D TESTEXCEL4      PI
     D   peXSSF                       1n   const options(*nopass)

     D CreateCellStyles...
     D                 PR

     D AddSheet        PR
     D   book                              like(SSWorkbook)
     D   sheetname                   20A   varying const

     D FormatColumns   PR
     D   sheet                             like(SSSheet)

     D SetHeadings     PR
     D   sheet                             like(SSSheet) const
     D   sheetname                   20A   varying const
     D   rowcount                    10I 0

     D xssf            s              1n   inz(*off)
     D book            s                   like(SSWorkbook)
     D LgHeading       s                   like(SSCellStyle)
     D SmHeading       s                   like(SSCellStyle)
     D ColHeading      s                   like(SSCellStyle)
     D Numeric         s                   like(SSCellStyle)
     D Text            s                   like(SSCellStyle)
     D Dates           s                   like(SSCellStyle)

        if %parms>=1 and peXSSF;
           xssf = *on;


        if (xssf);
           book = ss_open(IFSDIR + '/TestExcelReplace.xlsx');
           book = ss_open(IFSDIR + '/TestExcelReplace.xls');


        AddSheet(book: 'Total Shipments');

        if (xssf);
           SS_save(book: IFSDIR + '/TestExcelReplace.xlsx');
           SS_save(book: IFSDIR + '/TestExcelReplace.xls');

        *inlr = *on;

      * CreateCellStyles(): Create the different display styles
      *    used for cells in this Excel workbook.
      * NOTE: Uses the following global variables:
      *       Book, LgHeading, SmHeading, ColHeading, Numeric
      *       Text, Dates.
     P CreateCellStyles...
     P                 B
     D CreateCellStyles...
     D                 PI

     D LgFont          s                   like(SSFont)
     D SmFont          s                   like(SSFont)
     D ChFont          s                   like(SSFont)
     D DataFmt         s                   like(SSDataFormat)
     D TempStr         s                   like(jString)
     D NumFmt          s              5I 0
     D DateFmt         s              5I 0


         //  Create a cell style for the large, centered
         //  title at the top of the report.
         LgHeading = SSWorkbook_createCellStyle(book);

         LgFont = SSWorkbook_createFont(book);
         SSFont_setBoldweight(LgFont: BOLDWEIGHT_BOLD);
         SSFont_setFontHeightInPoints(LgFont: 16);
         SSCellStyle_setFont(LgHeading: LgFont);

         SSCellStyle_setAlignment(LgHeading: ALIGN_CENTER);

         // Create a cell style for the smaller text that
         //  will be printed below the main heading.

         SmHeading = SSWorkbook_createCellStyle(book);

         SmFont = SSWorkbook_createFont(book);
         SSFont_setFontHeightInPoints(SmFont: 8);
         SSCellStyle_setFont(SmHeading: SmFont);

         SSCellStyle_setAlignment(SmHeading: ALIGN_CENTER);

         // Create a cell style for the column headings.
         // These are bold and have a border line at the bottom

         ColHeading = SSWorkbook_createCellStyle(book);

         ChFont = SSWorkbook_createFont(book);
         SSFont_setBoldweight(ChFont: BOLDWEIGHT_BOLD);
         SSCellStyle_setFont(ColHeading: ChFont);

         SSCellStyle_setAlignment(ColHeading: ALIGN_CENTER);
         SSCellStyle_setBorderBottom(ColHeading: BORDER_THIN);

         // Create a cell style for numbers so that they are
         //  right-aligned and the number is formatted nicely.

         Numeric = SSWorkbook_createCellStyle(book);

         DataFmt = SSWorkbook_createDataFormat(book);
         TempStr = new_String('#,##0.00');
         NumFmt  = SSDataFormat_getFormat(DataFmt: TempStr);
         SSCellStyle_setDataFormat(Numeric: NumFmt);

         SSCellStyle_setAlignment(Numeric: ALIGN_RIGHT);

         // Create a cell style for text so that it's
         //  left-aligned

         Text = SSWorkbook_createCellStyle(book);
         SSCellStyle_setAlignment(Text: ALIGN_LEFT);

         // Create a cell style for dates.  Dates in Excel
         //  are numbers that are formatted in a particular
         //  way.

         Dates = SSWorkbook_createCellStyle(book);

         DataFmt = SSWorkbook_createDataFormat(book);
         TempStr = new_String('m/d/yy');
         DateFmt = SSDataFormat_getFormat(DataFmt: TempStr);
         SSCellStyle_setDataFormat(Dates: DateFmt);

     P                 E

      *  AddSheet():  Add a sheet of data to the given sheet
      *  sheetname = (input) human-readable sheet name
      *       book = (input) Workbook to add sheet to
     P AddSheet        B
     D AddSheet        PI
     D   book                              like(SSWorkbook)
     D   sheetname                   20A   varying const

     D sheet           s                   like(SSSheet)
     D row             s                   like(SSRow)
     D rowcount        s             10I 0 inz(0)
     D start           s              5A   varying
     D end             s              5A   varying
     D AddFormula      s              1N   inz(*OFF)


         sheet = SS_getSheet(book: sheetname);

         SetHeadings(sheet: sheetname: rowcount);

         read WMIPBFG10;

         dow not %eof(WMIPBFG10);

            rowcount += 1;
            row = SSSheet_getRow(sheet: rowcount);

            ss_text( row: 0 : %trimr(BreakLvl): Text);
            ss_text( row: 1 : %trimr(OverFlow): Text);
            ss_text( row: 2 : %trimr(Class)   : Text);
            ss_text( row: 3 : %trimr(Prdno)   : Text);
            ss_num ( row: 4 : Quant01         : Numeric);
            ss_num ( row: 5 : Stdc1           : Numeric);
            ss_num ( row: 6 : Cost01          : Numeric);
            ss_num ( row: 7 : Mwght02         : Numeric);
            start = ss_cellname( rowcount: 4);
            end = ss_cellname( rowcount: 7);
            ss_formula( row: 8: start+'*'+end: Numeric);

            read WMIPBFG10;

     P                 E

      * FormatColumns():  Set the column widths & merged cells
      *    in a given worksheet.
      *   sheet = (input) sheet to set the column widths in
     P FormatColumns   B
     D FormatColumns   PI
     D   sheet                             like(ssSheet)

        // The column width setting is in units that are approx
        //   1/256 of a character.

        SSSheet_setColumnWidth( sheet: 0: 10 * 256 );
        SSSheet_setColumnWidth( sheet: 1: 10 * 256 );
        SSSheet_setColumnWidth( sheet: 2: 10 * 256 );
        SSSheet_setColumnWidth( sheet: 3: 10 * 256 );
        SSSheet_setColumnWidth( sheet: 4: 10 * 256 );
        SSSheet_setColumnWidth( sheet: 5: 10 * 256 );
        SSSheet_setColumnWidth( sheet: 6: 10 * 256 );
        SSSheet_setColumnWidth( sheet: 7: 10 * 256 );
        SSSheet_setColumnWidth( sheet: 8: 10 * 256 );

     P                 E

      * SetHeadings():  Set the text in the first few rows of
      *    the given worksheet so that they appear like "headings"
      *    to someone viewing the sheet.
      *    sheet = (input) sheet that cells are set in.
      * rowcount = (input/output) row count (updated)
     P SetHeadings     B
     D SetHeadings     PI
     D   sheet                             like(SSSheet) const
     D   sheetname                   20A   varying const
     D   rowcount                    10I 0

     D row             s                   like(SSRow)

         row = SSSheet_getRow(sheet: rowcount);
         ss_text( row: 0 : 'Breaklvl'     : ColHeading);
         ss_text( row: 1 : 'Overflow'     : ColHeading);
         ss_text( row: 2 : 'Class'        : ColHeading);
         ss_text( row: 3 : 'Prdno'        : ColHeading);
         ss_text( row: 4 : 'Quant01'      : ColHeading);
         ss_text( row: 5 : 'Stdc1'        : ColHeading);
         ss_text( row: 6 : 'Cost01'       : ColHeading);
         ss_text( row: 7 : 'Mwght02'      : ColHeading);
         ss_text( row: 8 : 'Total Lbs'    : ColHeading);

     P                 E                                           
Posts: 31
Joined: Tue Feb 15, 2022 5:12 pm

Re: Java Exception on Procedure SS_OPEN

Post by wdwisser »

Just to add a little more context to this thread...

I copied an original unmolested by POI .xls to the /tmp folder then ran my program posted prior and it runs fine. When I run the program another time it fails with the error specified in the original post.

I'm not sure what is different between the first and second runs here but something is not quite right.
Scott Klement
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Re: Java Exception on Procedure SS_OPEN

Post by Scott Klement »

The error is "Failed to find a matching shared formula record". In other words, the spreadsheet contains reference to a formula, but the formula it refers to isn't in the spreadsheet.

Not sure how that's happening -- it is as if you are adding a formula, but it is only half-added.
Posts: 31
Joined: Tue Feb 15, 2022 5:12 pm

Re: Java Exception on Procedure SS_OPEN

Post by wdwisser »

I found where there were some formulas in the spreadsheet where my code was overwriting those formulas that were in place. I'm not sure why that causes an issue since I am "overwriting" the cell with another value or formula. It could be I don't understand how that works but thought it would just replace it.

Also, I am having a reverse issue on a formula that I want to leave in place and when I populate the data into the spreadsheet, and the spreadsheet is opened, I would think it would calculate the values from those formulas based on the data that I loaded into the spreadsheet rows. For some reason it will, but I have to click on the cell with the formula that was in there prior to the program updating the rows of data, and press Enter or accept it and then the formula will do its thing. Is there a way to correct this so the end user doesn't have to click it to make it work?

I hope this makes sense but let me know if I need more clarification.

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