3.4. Example of changing an IFS objects permissions

To demonstrate the use of the chmod() API, we'll create a simple command that you can use to change the permissions on an IFS object.

Our command will need to know the path name of the IFS object, and the permissions to be assigned for the Owner, the Group and for everyone else. Our command source will look like this:

             CMD        PROMPT('Change File Mode')
             PARM       KWD(OBJ) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(640) MIN(1) +
             PARM       KWD(USER) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(10) RSTD(*YES) +
                          DFT(*NONE) VALUES(*NONE *R *RW *RX *RWX +
                          *W *WX *X) PROMPT('Owner permissions')
             PARM       KWD(GROUP) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(10) RSTD(*YES) +
                          DFT(*NONE) VALUES(*NONE *R *RW *RX *RWX +
                          *W *WX *X) PROMPT('Group Permissions')
             PARM       KWD(OTHER) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(10) RSTD(*YES) +
                          DFT(*NONE) VALUES(*NONE *R *RW *RX *RWX +
                          *W *WX *X) PROMPT('Others Permissions')

And the program that processes the command will look like this. Compile it, run it, laugh, cry, let it become a part of your being.

      * CH3PERM: Example changing an IFS object's permissions
      *  (From Chap 3)
      * To compile:


     D Path            S            640A
     D UserPerm        S             10A
     D GroupPerm       S             10A
     D OtherPerm       S             10A
     D Mode            S             10I 0

      ** Warning:  call this program from the command.  If you call
      **       it directly, because "Path" is larger than 32 bytes.
      **       See http://faq.midrange.com/data/cache/70.html

     C     *entry        plist
     c                   parm                    Path
     c                   parm                    UserPerm
     c                   parm                    GroupPerm
     c                   parm                    OtherPerm

     c                   eval      Mode = 0

     C* Calculate desired user permissions:
     c                   if        %scan('R': UserPerm) > 0
     c                   eval      Mode = Mode + S_IRUSR
     c                   endif
     c                   if        %scan('W': UserPerm) > 0
     c                   eval      Mode = Mode + S_IWUSR
     c                   endif
     c                   if        %scan('X': UserPerm) > 0
     c                   eval      Mode = Mode + S_IXUSR
     c                   endif

     C* Calculate desired group permissions:
     c                   if        %scan('R': GroupPerm) > 0
     c                   eval      Mode = Mode + S_IRGRP
     c                   endif
     c                   if        %scan('W': GroupPerm) > 0
     c                   eval      Mode = Mode + S_IWGRP
     c                   endif
     c                   if        %scan('X': GroupPerm) > 0
     c                   eval      Mode = Mode + S_IXGRP
     c                   endif

     C* Calculate desired permissions for everyone else:
     c                   if        %scan('R': OtherPerm) > 0
     c                   eval      Mode = Mode + S_IROTH
     c                   endif
     c                   if        %scan('W': OtherPerm) > 0
     c                   eval      Mode = Mode + S_IWOTH
     c                   endif
     c                   if        %scan('X': OtherPerm) > 0
     c                   eval      Mode = Mode + S_IXOTH
     c                   endif

     C* Change the file's access mode:
     c                   if        chmod(%trimr(path): Mode) < 0
     c                   callp     die(%str(strerror(errno)))
     c                   endif

     c                   eval      *inlr = *on