6.7. A multi-client example of our server

Well, all that discussion about blocking and non-blocking sockets has made me hungry. Wanna stop and get a bite to eat? No?

This chapter will put everything we've learned to the test. We're going to take the server program that we wrote in Chapter 5, and re-write it so that it can handle many simultaneous clients.

From the client's perspective, our server won't have changed much. It'll still ask for a name, and still say hello and goodbye. However the internal functioning of our program will be very different.

This program will use non-blocking sockets and the select() API to switch between a whole array of connected clients. By spending only a few milliseconds on each client, then switching to the next client and spending time there, then switching again, etc, we can handle many clients at once.

However, this creates a number of challenges for us:

So here it is... the fruit of all of our labors, thus far! Hope I've described everything well enough. I strongly suggest that you "play with it", i.e. try to add features or write new things that it does, because you'll get a much better idea of what you're doing that way.

          *** header files for calling service programs & APIs
         D/copy socktut/qrpglesrc,socket_h
         D/copy socktut/qrpglesrc,sockutil_h
         D/copy socktut/qrpglesrc,errno_h
          *** Prototypes for externally called programs:
         D Translate       PR                  ExtPgm('QDCXLATE')
         D    peLength                    5P 0 const
         D    peBuffer                32766A   options(*varsize)
         D    peTable                    10A   const
          *** Prototypes for local subprocedures:
         D die             PR
         D   peMsg                      256A   const
         D NewListener     PR            10I 0
         D   pePort                       5U 0 value
         D   peError                    256A
         D NewClient       PR            10I 0
         D   peServ                      10I 0 value
         D ReadClient      PR            10I 0
         D   peClient                    10I 0 value
         D HandleClient    PR            10I 0
         D   peClient                    10I 0 value
         D EndClient       PR            10I 0
         D   peClient                    10I 0 value
         D GetLine         PR            10I 0
         D   peClient                    10I 0 value
         D   peLine                     256A
          *** Configuration
         D MAXCLIENTS      C                   CONST(100)
          *** Global Variables:
         D Msg             S            256A
         D to              S               *
         D tolen           S             10I 0
         D serv            S             10I 0
         D max             S             10I 0
         D rc              S             10I 0
         D C               S             10I 0
         D readset         S                   like(fdset)
         D excpset         S                   like(fdset)
         D endpgm          S              1N   inz(*off)
          *** Variables in the "client" data structure are kept
          *** seperate for each connected client socket.
         D Client          DS                  Occurs(MAXCLIENTS)
         D   sock                        10I 0
         D   wait                         1N
         D   rdbuf                      256A
         D   rdbuflen                    10I 0
         D   state                       10I 0
         D   line                       256A
         c                   eval      *inlr = *on
         c                   exsr      Initialize
         C*  Main execution loop:
         C*     1) Make 2 descriptor sets.  One to check which
         C*         sockets have data to read, one to check which
         C*         sockets have exceptional conditions pending.
         C*         Each set will contain the listner socket, plus
         C*         each connected client socket
         C*    2) Call select() to find out which descriptors need
         C*         to be read from or have exceptions pending.
         C*         We have a timeout value set here as well.  It's
         C*         set to 1 minute if all sockets are waiting for
         C*         user input, or 1/10 second if the sockets need
         C*         us to write data to them.  (the 1/10 second is
         C*         just to keep this program from gobbling too
         C*         much CPU time)
         C*    3) Check to see if a user told us to shut down, or
         C*         if the job/subsystem/system has requested us to
         C*         end the program.
         C*    4) If the listener socket ("server socket") has data
         C*         to read, it means someone is trying to connect
         C*         to us, so call the NewClient procedure.
         C*    5) Check each socket for incoming data and load into
         C*         the appropriate read buffer.
         C*    6) Do the next "task" that each socket needs.
         C*         (could be sending a line of text, or waiting
         C*         for input, or disconnecting, etc)
         c                   dow       1 = 1
         c                   exsr      MakeDescSets
         c                   eval      rc = select(max+1: %addr(readset):
         c                                *NULL: %addr(excpset): to)
         c                   exsr      ChkShutDown
         c                   if        rc > 0
         c                   if        FD_ISSET(serv: readset)
         c                   callp     NewClient(serv)
         c                   endif
         c                   exsr      CheckSockets
         c                   endif
         c                   exsr      DoClients
         c                   enddo
         C* Initialize some program vars & set up a server socket:
         CSR   Initialize    begsr
         c                   do        MAXCLIENTS    C
         c     C             occur     client
         c                   eval      sock = -1
         c                   callp     EndClient(C)
         c                   enddo
         c                   eval      tolen = %size(timeval)
         c                   alloc     tolen         to
         c                   eval      p_timeval = to
         C* Start listening to port 4000
         c                   eval      serv = NewListener(4000: Msg)
         c                   if        serv < 0
         c                   callp     die(Msg)
         c                   endif
         CSR                 endsr
         C* This sets up the "readset" and "excpset" descriptor sets
         C*  for use with select().   It also calculates the appropriate
         C*  timeout value, and the maximum descriptor number to check
         CSR   MakeDescSets  begsr
         c                   callp     FD_ZERO(readset)
         c                   callp     FD_SET(serv: readset)
         C* By default, set a 60 second timeout...  but if one or more
         C* of the client's is not in 'wait' mode, change that timeout
         C* to only 100,000 microseconds (1/10 second)
         c                   eval      tv_sec = 60
         c                   eval      tv_usec = 0
         c                   eval      max = serv
         c                   do        MAXCLIENTS    C
         c     C             occur     client
         c                   if        sock <> -1
         c                   callp     FD_SET(sock: readset)
         c                   if        not wait
         c                   eval      tv_sec = 0
         c                   eval      tv_usec = 100000
         c                   endif
         c                   if        sock > max
         c                   eval      max = sock
         c                   endif
         c                   endif
         c                   enddo
         C* We can just copy excpset to readset... no point in going thru
         C*  all of that again :)
         c                   eval      excpset = readset
         CSR                 endsr
         C*  Check for a 'shutdown' condition.  If shutdown was requested
         C*  tell all connected sockets, and then close them.
         CSR   ChkShutDown   begsr
         c                   shtdn                                        99
         c                   if        *in99 = *on
         c                   eval      endpgm = *On
         c                   endif
          * Note that the 'endpgm' flag can also be set by the
          *   'HandleClient' subprocedure, not just the code above...
         c                   if        endpgm = *on
         c                   do        MAXCLIENTS    C
         c     C             occur     client
         c                   if        sock <> -1
         c                   callp     WrLine(sock: 'Sorry!  We''re shutting ' +
         c                              'down now!')
         c                   callp     EndClient(C)
         c                   endif
         c                   enddo
         c                   callp     close(serv)
         c                   callp     Die('shut down requested...')
         c                   return
         c                   endif
         CSR                 endsr
         C*  This loads any data that has been sent by the various client
         C*  sockets into their respective read buffers, and also checks
         C*  for clients that may have disconnected:
         CSR   CheckSockets  begsr
         c                   do        MAXCLIENTS    C
         c     C             occur     client
         c                   if        sock <> -1
         c                   if        FD_ISSET(sock: readset)
         c                   if        ReadClient(C) < 0
         c                   callp     EndClient(C)
         c                   callp     FD_CLR(sock: excpset)
         c                   endif
         c                   endif
         c                   if        FD_ISSET(sock: excpset)
         c                   callp     EndClient(C)
         c                   endif
         c                   endif
         c                   enddo
         CSR                 endsr
         C*  This finally gets down to "talking" to the client programs.
         C*  It switches between each connected client, and then sends
         C*  data or receives data as appropriate...
         CSR   DoClients     begsr
         c                   do        MAXCLIENTS    C
         c     C             occur     client
         c                   if        sock <> -1
         c                   callp     HandleClient(C)
         c                   endif
         c                   enddo
         CSR                 endsr
          *  Create a new TCP socket that's listening to a port
          *       parms:
          *         pePort = port to listen to
          *        peError = Error message (returned)
          *    returns: socket descriptor upon success, or -1 upon error
         P NewListener     B
         D NewListener     PI            10I 0
         D   pePort                       5U 0 value
         D   peError                    256A
         D sock            S             10I 0
         D len             S             10I 0
         D bindto          S               *
         D on              S             10I 0 inz(1)
         D linglen         S             10I 0
         D ling            S               *
         D flags           S             10I 0
         C*** Create a socket
         c                   eval      sock = socket(AF_INET:SOCK_STREAM:
         c                                           IPPROTO_IP)
         c                   if        sock < 0
         c                   eval      peError = %str(strerror(errno))
         c                   return    -1
         c                   endif
         C*** Tell socket that we want to be able to re-use the server
         C***  port without waiting for the MSL timeout:
         c                   callp     setsockopt(sock: SOL_SOCKET:
         c                                SO_REUSEADDR: %addr(on): %size(on))
         C*** create space for a linger structure
         c                   eval      linglen = %size(linger)
         c                   alloc     linglen       ling
         c                   eval      p_linger = ling
         C*** tell socket to only linger for 2 minutes, then discard:
         c                   eval      l_onoff = 1
         c                   eval      l_linger = 120
         c                   callp     setsockopt(sock: SOL_SOCKET: SO_LINGER:
         c                                ling: linglen)
         C*** free up resources used by linger structure
         c                   dealloc(E)              ling
         C*** tell socket we don't want blocking...
         c                   eval      flags = fcntl(sock: F_GETFL)
         c                   eval      flags = flags + O_NONBLOCK
         c                   if        fcntl(sock: F_SETFL: flags) < 0
         c                   eval      peError = %str(strerror(errno))
         c                   return    -1
         c                   endif
         C*** Create a sockaddr_in structure
         c                   eval      len = %size(sockaddr_in)
         c                   alloc     len           bindto
         c                   eval      p_sockaddr = bindto
         c                   eval      sin_family = AF_INET
         c                   eval      sin_addr = INADDR_ANY
         c                   eval      sin_port = pePort
         c                   eval      sin_zero = *ALLx'00'
         C*** Bind socket to port
         c                   if        bind(sock: bindto: len) < 0
         c                   eval      peError = %str(strerror(errno))
         c                   callp     close(sock)
         c                   dealloc(E)              bindto
         c                   return    -1
         c                   endif
         C*** Listen for a connection
         c                   if        listen(sock: MAXCLIENTS) < 0
         c                   eval      peError = %str(strerror(errno))
         c                   callp     close(sock)
         c                   dealloc(E)              bindto
         c                   return    -1
         c                   endif
         C*** Return newly set-up socket:
         c                   dealloc(E)              bindto
         c                   return    sock
         P                 E
          *  This accepts a new client connection, and adds him to
          *   the 'client' data structure.
         P NewClient       B
         D NewClient       PI            10I 0
         D   peServ                      10I 0 value
         D X               S             10I 0
         D S               S             10I 0
         D cl              S             10I 0
         D flags           S             10I 0
         D ling            S               *
         D connfrom        S               *
         D len             S             10I 0
         D Msg             S             52A
         C* See if there is an empty spot in the data
         C* structure.
         c                   eval      cl = 0
         c                   do        MAXCLIENTS    X
         c     X             occur     Client
         c                   if        sock = -1
         c                   eval      cl = X
         c                   leave
         c                   endif
         c                   enddo
         C*  Accept new connection
         c                   eval      len = %size(sockaddr_in)
         c                   alloc     len           connfrom
         c                   eval      S = accept(peServ: connfrom: len)
         c                   if        S < 0
         c                   return    -1
         c                   endif
         c                   dealloc(E)              connfrom
         C* Turn off blocking & limit lingering
         c                   eval      flags = fcntl(S: F_GETFL: 0)
         c                   eval      flags = flags + O_NONBLOCK
         c                   if        fcntl(S: F_SETFL: flags) < 0
         c                   eval      Msg = %str(strerror(errno))
         c                   dsply                   Msg
         c                   return    -1
         c                   endif
         c                   eval      len = %size(linger)
         c                   alloc     len           ling
         c                   eval      p_linger = ling
         c                   eval      l_onoff = 1
         c                   eval      l_linger = 120
         c                   callp     setsockopt(S: SOL_SOCKET: SO_LINGER:
         c                                ling: len)
         c                   dealloc(E)              ling
         C*  If we've already reached the maximum number
         C*  of connections, let client know and then
         C*  get rid of him
         c                   if        cl = 0
         c                   callp     wrline(S: 'Maximum number of connect' +
         c                              'tions has been reached!')
         c                   callp     close(s)
         c                   return    -1
         c                   endif
         C*  Add client into the structure
         c     cl            occur     client
         c                   eval      sock = S
         c                   return    0
         P                 E
          *  If there is data to be read from a Client's socket, add it
          *    to the client's buffer, here...
         P ReadClient      B
         D ReadClient      PI            10I 0
         D   peClient                    10I 0 value
         D left            S             10I 0
         D p_read          S               *
         D err             S             10I 0
         D len             S             10I 0
         c     peClient      occur     client
         c                   eval      left = %size(rdbuf) - rdbuflen
         c                   eval      p_read = %addr(rdbuf) + rdbuflen
         c                   eval      len = recv(sock: p_read: left: 0)
         c                   if        len < 0
         c                   eval      err = errno
         c                   if        err = EWOULDBLOCK
         c                   return    0
         c                   else
         c                   return    -1
         c                   endif
         c                   endif
         c                   eval      rdbuflen = rdbuflen + len
         c                   return    len
         P                 E
          *  This disconnects a client and cleans up his spot in the
          *    client data structure.
         P EndClient       B
         D EndClient       PI            10I 0
         D   peClient                    10I 0 value
         c     peClient      occur     client
         c                   if        sock >= 0
         c                   callp     close(sock)
         c                   endif
         c                   eval      sock = -1
         c                   eval      wait = *off
         c                   eval      rdbuf = *Blanks
         c                   eval      rdbuflen = 0
         c                   eval      state = 0
         c                   eval      line = *blanks
         c                   return    0
         P                 E
          *  As we're switching between each different client, this
          *  routine is called to handle whatever the next 'step' is
          *  for a given client.
         P HandleClient    B
         D HandleClient    PI            10I 0
         D   peClient                    10I 0 value
         c     peClient      occur     client
         c                   select
         c                   when      state = 0
         c                   callp     WrLine(sock: 'Please enter your name' +
         c                                   ' now!')
         c                   eval      state = 1
         c                   when      state = 1
         c                   eval      wait = *on
         c                   if        GetLine(peClient: line) > 0
         c                   eval      wait = *off
         c                   eval      state = 2
         c                   endif
         c                   when      state = 2
         c                   if        %trim(line) = 'quit'
         c                   eval      endpgm = *on
         c                   eval      state = 4
         c                   else
         c                   callp     WrLine(sock: 'Hello ' + %trim(line))
         c                   eval      state = 3
         c                   endif
         c                   when      state = 3
         c                   callp     WrLine(sock: 'Goodbye ' + %trim(line))
         c                   eval      state = 4
         c                   when      state = 4
         c                   callp     EndClient(peClient)
         c                   endsl
         c                   return    0
         P                 E
          *  This removes one line of data from a client's read buffer
         P GetLine         B
         D GetLine         PI            10I 0
         D   peClient                    10I 0 value
         D   peLine                     256A
         D pos             S             10I 0
         C*** Load correct client:
         c     peClient      occur     client
         c                   if        rdbuflen < 1
         c                   return    0
         c                   endif
         C*** Look for an end-of-line character:
         c                   eval      pos = %scan(x'0A': rdbuf)
         c                   if        pos < 1 or pos > rdbuflen
         c                   return    0
         c                   endif
         C*** Add line to peLine variable, and remove from rdbuf:
         c                   eval      peLine = %subst(rdbuf:1:pos-1)
         c                   if        pos < %size(rdbuf)
         c                   eval      rdbuf = %subst(rdBuf:pos+1)
         c                   else
         c                   eval      rdbuf = *blanks
         c                   endif
         c                   eval      rdbuflen = rdbuflen - pos
         C*** If CR character found, remove that too...
         c                   eval      pos = pos - 1
         c                   if        %subst(peLine:pos:1) = x'0D'
         c                   eval      peLine = %subst(peLine:1:pos-1)
         c                   eval      pos = pos - 1
         c                   endif
         C*** Convert to EBCDIC:
         c                   if        pos > 0
         c                   callp     Translate(pos: peLine: 'QTCPEBC')
         c                   endif
         C*** return length of line:
         c                   return    pos
         P                 E
          *  This ends this program abnormally, and sends back an escape.
          *   message explaining the failure.
         P die             B
         D die             PI
         D   peMsg                      256A   const
         D SndPgmMsg       PR                  ExtPgm('QMHSNDPM')
         D   MessageID                    7A   Const
         D   QualMsgF                    20A   Const
         D   MsgData                    256A   Const
         D   MsgDtaLen                   10I 0 Const
         D   MsgType                     10A   Const
         D   CallStkEnt                  10A   Const
         D   CallStkCnt                  10I 0 Const
         D   MessageKey                   4A
         D   ErrorCode                32766A   options(*varsize)
         D dsEC            DS
         D  dsECBytesP             1      4I 0 INZ(256)
         D  dsECBytesA             5      8I 0 INZ(0)
         D  dsECMsgID              9     15
         D  dsECReserv            16     16
         D  dsECMsgDta            17    256
         D wwMsgLen        S             10I 0
         D wwTheKey        S              4A
         c                   eval      wwMsgLen = %len(%trimr(peMsg))
         c                   if        wwMsgLen<1
         c                   return
         c                   endif
         c                   callp     SndPgmMsg('CPF9897': 'QCPFMSG   *LIBL':
         c                               peMsg: wwMsgLen: '*ESCAPE':
         c                               '*PGMBDY': 1: wwTheKey: dsEC)
         c                   return
         P                 E
          /define ERRNO_LOAD_PROCEDURE
          /copy socktut/qrpglesrc,errno_h