SMTP_SendMail with attachment

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SMTP_SendMail with attachment

Post by randy777 »


Is there any example using SMTP_SendMail with attachment on it?
Need help/advice for this.

Thanks and Regards,
Scott Klement
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Re: SMTP_SendMail with attachment

Post by Scott Klement »

There isn't anything special needed in SMTP_SendMail to use attachments. SMTP_SendMail sends an email using the SMTP protocol... it does not build the email message itself, that is left for your code to do. It is building the email that requires work to be done to attach a message.

Here is a (very old, but it should work) example of writing code to build a message with an attachment. It uses the (now deprecated) operating system routine QtmmSendMail() to send the message, but you can replace QtmmSendMail with SMTP_SendMail and it should work fine.

Code: Select all

      * Sample of sending a message with a base64 encoded attachment
      * It does this by first creating a CSV file from a PF, then
      * base64 encoding that PF and attaching it to the message.
      *                                      Scott Klement 07/27/2006
      * Before compiling:
      *   -- This requires the BASE64 open source utility from
      *   -- make sure base64 utility has been compiled.
      *   -- Change the "from" and "to" e-mail addresses at
      *       the top of the calc specs, below!
      *   -- Change the name of the file you want to attach
      *       at the top of the calc specs, below!
      * To Compile:
      *              SRCFILE(xxx/QRPGLESRC) +
      *              DBGVIEW(*LIST)
      *    CRTPGM PGM(mylib/ATTACH) +
      *           MODULE(QTEMP/ATTACH) +
      *           BNDSRVPGM(QTCP/QTMMSNDM)

     D Text            s             78A   DIM(7) CTDATA PERRCD(1)

      /copy ifsio_h
      /copy sendmail_h
      /copy base64_h

     D QCMDEXC         PR                  ExtPgm('QCMDEXC')
     D   cmd                      32702A   const options(*varsize)
     D   len                         15P 5 const

     D tmpnam          PR              *   extproc('_C_IFS_tmpnam')
     D   string                      39A   options(*omit)

     D ReportError     PR
     D MailDate        PR            31A

     D CRLF            c                   x'0d25'

     D fromName        s            100A   varying
     D fromAddr        s            300A   varying
     D toName          s            100A   varying
     D toAddr          s            300A   varying
     D subject         s             80A   varying
     D attFile         s             21A   varying
     D attName         s             50A   varying

     D filename        s             50A   varying
     D tempAttach      s             50A   varying
     D att             s             10I 0
     D fd              s             10I 0
     D header          s           2000A   varying
     D body            s            500A   varying
     D cmd             s            500A   varying
     D boundary        s             78A   varying
     D x               s             10I 0
     D data            s             54A
     D encData         s             74A
     D encLen          s             10i 0
     D len             s             10i 0

     D recip           ds                  likeds(ADDTO0100)
     D                                     dim(1)
     D NullError       ds
     D   BytesProv                   10I 0 inz(0)
     D   BytesAvail                  10I 0 inz(0)
     D wait            s              1A

          fromName = 'Scott Klement';
          fromAddr = '';
          toName   = 'Faithful Reader';
          toAddr   = '';
          subject  = 'Testing sending a CSV file';
          attFile  = '*LIBL/CUSTFILE';
          attname  = 'CUSTFILE.CSV';

          if (%scan('klement': fromAddr)>0
              or %scan('example': toAddr)>0);
               dsply ('PLEASE FIX E-MAIL ADDRESSES!');
               dsply ('THEN RUN THIS PROGRAM AGAIN.') ' ' wait;

          // ------------------------------------------
          //  Convert the PF to a format that PCs like
          //  a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file
          // ------------------------------------------

          tempAttach = %str(tmpnam(*omit));

          cmd = 'CPYTOIMPF FROMFILE(' + attFile + ') '
              +           'TOSTMF(''' + tempAttach +''') '
              +           'MBROPT(*REPLACE) '
              +           'STMFCODPAG(*PCASCII) '
              +           'RCDDLM(*CRLF)';

          QCMDEXC( cmd : %len(cmd));

          // ------------------------------------------
          // create a temporary file in the IFS.
          // mark that file as ccsid 819 (ISO 8859-1 ASCII)
          // ------------------------------------------

          filename = %str(tmpnam(*omit));

          fd = open( filename
                   : O_CREAT+O_EXCL+O_WRONLY+O_CCSID
                   : M_RDWR
                   : 819 );
          if (fd = -1);

          // ------------------------------------------
          // close file & reopen in text mode so that
          // data will be automatically translated
          // ------------------------------------------

          callp close(fd);
          fd = open( filename : O_WRONLY + O_TEXTDATA );
          if (fd = -1);

          // ------------------------------------------
          //  build an e-mail header in a variable
          // ------------------------------------------
          Boundary = '--=_ScottsNiftyBoundary';

          header =
           'From: ' + fromName + ' <' + fromAddr + '>' + CRLF
          +'To: '   + toName   + ' <' + toAddr   + '>' + CRLF
          +'Date: ' + maildate() + CRLF
          +'Subject: ' + subject + CRLF
          +'MIME-Version: 1.0' + CRLF
          +'Content-Type: multipart/mixed;'
          +   ' boundary="' + Boundary + '"' + CRLF
          + CRLF
          + 'Your mail reader doesn''t support MIME!' + CRLF
          + CRLF;

          callp write(fd: %addr(header)+2: %len(header));

          // ------------------------------------------
          //  Insert the headers for the text part
          // ------------------------------------------

          body =
           '--' + boundary + CRLF
          +'Content-type: text/plain' + CRLF
          + CRLF;
          callp write(fd: %addr(body)+2: %len(body));

          // ------------------------------------------
          //  Copy the text part from the compile-time
          //  array to the IFS stream file
          // ------------------------------------------

          for x = 1 to %elem(text);
             body = %trimr(text(x)) + CRLF;
             callp write(fd: %addr(body)+2: %len(body));

          // ------------------------------------------
          //  Insert the headers for the CSV file
          // ------------------------------------------

          body =
           '--' + boundary + CRLF
          +'Content-Type: text/csv; name="' + attname + '"' + CRLF
          +'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64' + CRLF
          +'Content-Disposition: attachment;'
          +    ' filename="' + attname + '"' + CRLF
          + CRLF;
          callp write(fd: %addr(body)+2: %len(body));

          // ------------------------------------------
          //  Read the attachment file, and base64
          //  encode it.  Write the results to the
          //  e-mail message.
          // ------------------------------------------

          att = open( tempAttach: O_RDONLY );
          if (att = -1);

          dow '1';
             len = read(att: %addr(data): %size(data));
             if (len < 1);

             enclen = base64_encode( %addr(data)
                                   : len
                                   : %addr(encdata)
                                   : %size(encdata)-2 );

             %subst(encdata:enclen+1) = CRLF;
             callp write(fd: %addr(encdata): enclen+2);

          callp close(att);

          // ------------------------------------------
          //  Finish the message & close the file
          // ------------------------------------------
          body = CRLF + '--' + boundary + '--' + CRLF;
          callp write(fd: %addr(body)+2: %len(body));
          callp close(fd);

          // ------------------------------------------
          //  Use the QtmmSendMail() API to send the
          //  IFS file via SMTP
          // ------------------------------------------

          recip(1).NextOffset = %size(ADDTO0100);
          recip(1).AddrFormat = 'ADDR0100';
          recip(1).DistType   = ADDR_NORMAL;
          recip(1).Reserved   = 0;
          recip(1).SmtpAddr   = toAddr;
          recip(1).AddrLen    = %len(toAddr);

          QtmmSendMail( FileName
                      : %len(FileName)
                      : fromAddr
                      : %len(fromAddr)
                      : recip
                      : %elem(recip)
                      : NullError );

          *inlr = *on;

      * ReportError():  Send an escape message explaining any errors
      *                 that occurred.
      *  This function requires binding directory QC2LE in order
      *  to access the __errno() function.
     P ReportError     B
     D ReportError     PI

     D get_errno       PR              *   ExtProc('__errno')
     D ptrToErrno      s               *
     D errno           s             10I 0 based(ptrToErrno)

     D QMHSNDPM        PR                  ExtPgm('QMHSNDPM')
     D   MessageID                    7A   Const
     D   QualMsgF                    20A   Const
     D   MsgData                      1A   Const
     D   MsgDtaLen                   10I 0 Const
     D   MsgType                     10A   Const
     D   CallStkEnt                  10A   Const
     D   CallStkCnt                  10I 0 Const
     D   MessageKey                   4A
     D   ErrorCode                 8192A   options(*varsize)

     D ErrorCode       DS                  qualified
     D  BytesProv              1      4I 0 inz(0)
     D  BytesAvail             5      8I 0 inz(0)

     D MsgKey          S              4A
     D MsgID           s              7A


         ptrToErrno = get_errno();
         MsgID = 'CPE' + %char(errno);

         QMHSNDPM( MsgID
                 : 'QCPFMSG   *LIBL'
                 : ' '
                 : 0
                 : '*ESCAPE'
                 : '*PGMBDY'
                 : 1
                 : MsgKey
                 : ErrorCode         );

     P                 E

      *  MailDate():  Returns the current date, formatted for use
      *               in an e-mail message.
      *     For example:  'Sat, 23 Oct 2004 14:42:06 -0500'
     P MailDate        B
     D MailDate        PI            31A

     D CEELOCT         PR                  opdesc
     D   Lilian                      10I 0
     D   Seconds                      8F
     D   Gregorian                   23A
     D   fc                          12A   options(*omit)

     D CEEUTCO         PR                  opdesc
     D   Hours                       10I 0
     D   Minutes                     10I 0
     D   Seconds                      8F
     D   fc                          12A   options(*omit)

     D CEEDATM         PR                  opdesc
     D   input_secs                   8F   const
     D   date_format                 80A   const options(*varsize)
     D   char_date                   80A   options(*varsize)
     D   feedback                    12A   options(*omit)

     D rfc2822         c                   'Www, DD Mmm YYYY HH:MI:SS'
     D junk1           s              8F
     D junk2           s             10I 0
     D junk3           s             23A
     D hours           s             10I 0
     D mins            s             10I 0
     D tz_hours        s              2P 0
     D tz_mins         s              2P 0
     D tz              s              5A   varying
     D CurTime         s              8F
     D Temp            s             25A


         //  Calculate the Timezone in format '+0000', for example
         //    CST should show up as '-0600'

         CEEUTCO(hours: mins: junk1: *omit);
         tz_hours = %abs(hours);
         tz_mins = mins;

         if (hours < 0);
            tz = '-';
            tz = '+';

         tz += %editc(tz_hours:'X') + %editc(tz_mins:'X');

         //  Get the current time and convert it to the format
         //    specified for e-mail in RFC 2822

         CEELOCT(junk2: CurTime: junk3: *omit);
         CEEDATM(CurTime: rfc2822: Temp: *omit);

         return Temp + ' ' + tz;

     P                 E

** ------------------ Text Part -----------------------
Hi there,

The purpose of this message is to send you the attached
file.  You can open it in Excel or any other program
that understands CSV files.

Good luck!
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Sep 12, 2022 4:06 am

Re: SMTP_SendMail with attachment

Post by randy777 »

Hi Scott,

I already tried it. It successfully send attachment but the filename received is not same, there is '3D' letters added in front of the filename.
I can't post image here. So I attach the capture.
Please help to see the attachment.

Thanks and Regards,
email attachment received.png
email attachment received.png (18.74 KiB) Viewed 14115 times
coding statement.png
coding statement.png (25.56 KiB) Viewed 14115 times
body_hexa.png (35.84 KiB) Viewed 14115 times
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