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Hit to use Iconv in sending Big5 Chinese Character through httpapi

Dear Scott,

I try to use Iconv(), as below [Coding], it work for me
The input value  ' 我 ' is equal to x'0E4F5C0F' and return as x'A7DA' as expected (0E and 0F Shift I/O is removed automatically)

Could you update you code such that '%' is not need as '%A7%DA' ?

When setting up the parameter URL in http_url_get(), we just type 'http://.....'  in AS400
And your code can translate all from EBCDIC to ASCII for english.
For example, in sending english character 'ABCD' (EBCDIC with x'C1C2C3C4') your can send as x'41424344' and we just do nothing.
URL = 'http://...&msg=ABCD'

Can you do the same as Big 5?
ie. the URL = 'http://....&msg= 我 ...'     OR  URL = 'http://....&msg=x'0E4F5C0F'

 *  Prototype DS                                         
D QtqCode_T       DS                  Qualified          
D  CCSID                        10I 0 Inz(0)             
D  CvtAlt                       10I 0 Inz(0)             
D  SubAlt                       10I 0 Inz(0)             
D  ShiftState                   10I 0 Inz(1)             
D  InLenOpt                     10I 0 Inz(0)             
 ** some pgm use value 1 for MixDataErrOpt               
D  MixDataErrOpt                10I 0 Inz(0)             
D  Reserved                      8A   Inz(*ALLX'00')     
D iconv_t         DS                  Qualified INZ      
D  rtn_value                    10I 0                                                                
D  cd                           10I 0 Dim(12)                                                        
 * To create a conversion environment, we need to call QtqIconvOpen. The following prototype allows  
 * QtqIconvOpen to be called from RPG IV:                                                            
D QtqIConvOpen    PR                  ExtProc('QtqIconvOpen')                                        
D                                     LikeDS(iconv_T)                                                
D  toCCSID                            LikeDS(QtqCode_T)                                              
D  fromCCSID                          LikeDS(QtqCode_T)                                              
 * The QtqIconvOpen API uses the following data structure to create the conversion environment:      
D iconv           PR            10U 0 ExtProc('iconv')                                               
D  hConv                              LikeDS(iconv_t) VALUE                                        
D  pInBuff                        *   VALUE                                                        
D  nInLen                         *   VALUE                                                        
D  pOutBuff                       *   VALUE                                                        
D  nOutLen                        *   VALUE                                                        
 *  iconv_close clear memory after used                                                            
D iconv_close     PR            10I 0 ExtProc('iconv_close')                                       
D  hConv                              LikeDS(iconv_t) VALUE                                        
 * Calling QtqIconvOpen to establish/create the conversion environment to convert from the job's   
 * CCSID to ASCII used on the IFS, we would use the following code:                                
D fromCCSID       DS                  LikeDS(QtqCode_T)                                            
D                                     Inz(*LIKEDS)                                                 
D toCCSID         DS                  LikeDS(QtqCode_T)                                            
D                                     Inz(*LIKEDS)                                                 
D hConv           DS                  LikeDS(iconv_T)                                              
D                                     Inz(*LIKEDS)                                                 
 * Input Value                                                                                     
D MyData          S             10A                                                                
D pData           S               *                                                                
D ppData          S               *   Inz(%addr(pData))                                            
D nInLen          S             10I 0                                
 * Output value                                                      
D OutData         S             10A                                  
D pOutData        S               *                                  
D ppOutData       S               *   Inz(%addr(pOutData))           
D nOutLen         S             10I 0                                
 * MI function to get a hex dump of data in memory                   
 *   (target will be twice the size of the source)                   
D HexDump         PR                  ExtProc('cvthc')               
D   target                   32767A   options(*varsize)              
D   src_bits                 32767A   options(*varsize) const        
D   length                      10I 0 value                          
 * At double of MyData above                                         
D HexData         S             20A                                  
D nReturn         S             10U 0                                
D w1DspMsg        S             52A                                  
 * Use Chinse Char x'0E4F5C0F'                                       
C                   Eval      MyData = ' |* '                        
 * if above data and CCSID from 0 to 937, 950                                 
 * HexValue in EBCDIC : 0E4F5C0F                                              
 * HexValue in ASCII  : A7DA with Shift In/Out (0E, 0F) removed                        
C                   eval      fromCCSID.CCSID = 937                           
C                   Eval      toCCSID.CCSID = 950                             
C                   Eval      hConv = *ALLX'00'                               
C                   Eval      hConv = QtqIconvOpen(toCCSID:fromCCSID)         
 *  Handle error                                                              
C                   if        hConv.rtn_value  = -1                           
C     '0001'        DUMP                                                      
C                   Eval      w1DspMsg  = 'QtqIconvOpen Error'                
c                   dsply                   w1DspMsg                          
C                   Endif                                                     
C                   eval      nInLen = %len(%TrimR(mydata))                   
C                   eval      nOutLen = %size(mydata)                         
C                   eval      pData = %addr(myData)                           
 * Create hex dump to Check before conversion                                 
c                   callp     HexDump( HexData                                
c                                    : myData                                 
c                                    : %size(HexData))                
c                   dsply                   HexData                   
 * run Iconv() for xlate                                              
C                   eval      pOutData = %addr(OutData)               
C                   Eval      nReturn =  iconv(hConv : ppData         
C                                     : %addr(nInLen)                 
C                                     : ppOutData:%addr(nOutLen))     
 *  Handle error                                                      
C                   If        nReturn = -1                            
C     '0003'        DUMP                                              
C                   Endif                                             
 * Create hex dump to Check after conversion,                          
c                   callp     HexDump( HexData                        
c                                    : OutData                        
c                                    : %size(HexData))                
c                   dsply                   HexData                   
 * Close the iconv, clear memory                                      
C                   callp     iconv_close(hConv)                      
 * Clear the conversion handle just for good measure                  
C                   eval      hConv = *ALLX'00'                       
C                   Eval      *INLR = *On               
C                   Return                              

Best Regards

>From Hang-Lam CHAN
    Senior Manager  (MCSE, MCDBA, CCNA, OCA)
    Systems Engineering Service
Progressing Hand-in-Hand with our Customer  !

TEL: (852) 3199-1411     FAX: (852) 2865-4689
URL:  http://www.cisd.com.hk
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