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Postdata not showing all the message

Hi Scott:

I changed the program to end with the *INLR on, I am debugging the program
and I am looking at the POSTDATA and the length of that is 1021 and I have
more than 1021 records for the Postdata how I can verify it in case if I
have a syntax error on it

It only shows in Debug Mode up to Shipto Phone Number in postdata, all the
rest are drop

D postData        s          24000A   varying   

postData =                                                      
  '<?xml version="1.0"?>'                                      +
  '<AccessRequest xml:lang="en-US">'                           +
     '<AccessLicenseNumber>'                                   +
         UPS_LICENSE                                           +
     '</AccessLicenseNumber>'                                  +
     '<UserId>' + UPS_USERID + '</UserId>'                     +
     '<Password>' + UPS_PASSWD + '</Password>'                 +
  '</AccessRequest>'                                           +
  '<?xml version="1.0"?>'                                      +
  '<RatingServiceSelectionRequest xml:lan="en-US">'            +
     '<Request>'                                               +
        '<TransactionReference>'                               +
           '<CustomerContext>'                                 +
               'Rating and Service'                            +
           '</CustomerContext>'                                +
           '<XpciVersion>1.0001</XpciVersion>'                 + 
        '</TransactionReference>'                              + 
        '<RequestAction>Rate</RequestAction>'                  + 
        '<RequestOption>Rate</RequestOption>'                  + 
     '</Request>'                                              + 
     '<PickupType>'                                            + 
       '<Code>' + S1Ptyp + '</Code>'                           + 
       '<Description>' + S1Pdes + '</Description>'             + 
     '</PickupType>'                                           + 
     '<Shipment>'                                              + 
       '<Description>Rate Description</Description>'           + 
       '<Shipper>'                                             + 
          '<Name>' + s1fnam + '</Name>'                        + 
          '<PhoneNumber>' + s1Fphn + '</PhoneNumber>'          + 
          '<ShipperNumber>' + Shpnbr + '</ShipperNumber>'      + 
          '<Address>'                                          + 
              '<AddressLine1>' + s1Fad1 + '</AddressLine1>'    + 
              '<AddressLine2>' + s1Fad2 + '</AddressLine2>'    + 
              '<City>' + s1fcty + '</City>'                    +
              '<StateProvinceCode>'                            +
                 S1Fstt                                        +
              '</StateProvinceCode>'                           +
              '<PostalCode>' + s1fzip + '</PostalCode>'        +
              '<CountryCode>' + S1Fcntry + '</CountryCode>'    +
          '</Address>'                                         +
       '</Shipper>'                                            +
       '<Shipto>'                                              +
          '<CompanyName>' + s1Snam + '</CompanyName>'          + 
          '<PhoneNumber>' + S1Sphn + '</PhoneNumber>'          + 
          '<Address>'                                          + 
              '<AddressLine1>' + s1Sad1 + '</AddressLine1>'    + 
              '<AddressLine2>' + s1Sad2 + '</AddressLine2>'    + 
              '<City>' + s1Scty + '</City>'                    + 
              '<StateProvinceCode>'                            + 
                 S1Sstt                                        + 
              '</StateProvinceCode>'                           + 
              '<PostalCode>' + s1Szip + '</PostalCode>'        + 
              '<CountryCode>' + S1Scntry + '</CountryCode>'    + 
          '</Address>'                                         + 
       '</Shipto>'                                             + 
       '<ShipFrom>'                                            + 
          '<CompanyName>' + s1Fnam + '</CompanyName>'          + 
          '<AttentionName>'+ s1Fnam + '</AttentionName>'       + 
          '<PhoneNumber>' + S1Fphn + '</PhoneNumber>'          + 
          '<FaxNumber>' + S1Ffax + '</FaxNumber>'              + 
          '<Address>'                                          + 
              '<AddressLine1>' + s1Fad1 + '</AddressLine1>'    + 
              '<City>' + s1Fcty + '</City>'                    + 
              '<StateProvinceCode>'                            + 
                 S1Fstt                                        + 
              '</StateProvinceCode>'                           + 
              '<PostalCode>' + s1Fzip + '</PostalCode>'        + 
              '<CountryCode>' + S1Fcntry + '</CountryCode>'    + 
          '</Address>'                                         + 
       '</ShipFrom>'                                           + 
       '<Service>'                                             + 
          '<Code>' + S1Srvcde + '</Code>'                      + 
       '</Service>'                                            + 
       '<Package>'                                             + 
          '<PackagingType>'                                    + 
              '<Code>' + S1PkgTyp + '</Code>'                  + 
              '<Description>' + S1PkgDes + '</Description>'    + 
          '</PackagingType>'                                   + 
          '<Description>Rate</Description>'                    + 
          '<PackageWeight>'                                    + 
              '<UnitOfMeasurement>'                            + 
                 '<Code>' + S1Uom + '</Code>'                  + 
              '</UnitOfMeasurement>'                           + 
              '<Weight>' + S1wgt + '</Weight>'                 + 
          '</PackageWeight>'                                   + 
       '</Package>'                                            + 
       '<ShipmentServiceOptions />'                            + 
     '</Shipment>'                                             + 
  '</RatingServiceSelectionRequest>'                           ; 

Please help

Thank you

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